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The revelation of the infected party still feels unreal until now. I was actually saved by that stranger. Such a result is really unbelievable. That guy with weird temper and arrogant attitude actually wanted to save himself...

But what made Fang Qiqi even more curious was how this weird guy escaped from a push of zombies before. and came to him. Fang Qi remembered that he had bought a map and checked it as soon as he left. There were only red dots there, as if the person in front of him had disappeared in these few seconds. It was extremely weird, but it also confirmed that this person was not simple.

Originally, Fang Qi didn't bother to let the person in front of him be rescued at first, because he didn't want to owe others a favor. Favor debt is a very troublesome thing. When the identity of the other party is not clear, Xia Qi really doesn't want to go into details with the other party.

However, due to the situation, Qi Bao had to agree to the other party's suggestion.

Even though he is very brave, he and the little thing will be overwhelmed by the zombies in front of him sooner or later.

Finally, Fang Qi expressed to the other party that he needed his help.

Then under Fang Qi's surprised gaze, the man jumped down from the wall and walked around in front of Fang Qi with an evil smile.

Is this person looking for death? He actually ran right in front of the zombies!

When Fang Qi was still worried, the man knocked away the group of zombies in front of him with a few punches, then took Fang Qi's arm and jumped to the opposite wall. As soon as the little thing saw his master being taken away by the stranger, he immediately chased after him.

When Fang Qifa was wondering how the other party was going to take him out, the man suddenly let go and pushed Fang Qifa into the zombie group.

"Roar -" the little thing yelled and wanted to rush towards the other party angrily, but it knew that saving its owner was the most important thing now. So it could just turn around ferociously and pounce in the direction where Fang Qi fell.

As for Fang Qi, if he was still confused at first, now he understands. The guy in front of me is a complete pervert!

Why do you help yourself? You are just playing with yourself!

Fang Qi used a firebending technique to eliminate all the zombies standing below him after he landed, and then rolled to the corner without being hurt on all sides.

"Wow - I thought you were hiding something, and sure enough... hee hee..." The man laughed after finishing speaking, but that smile only made Fang Qi feel creepy and uncomfortable. Especially when this guy finished laughing and then jumped off the wall to help him clean up the zombies, Fang Qi felt extremely unhappy! It felt like I was being played with all the time.

This guy said he would save himself, but at the same time he put himself in danger. This kind of random thought is nothing but perversion!

It's not scary to meet a villain, at least you can immediately feel that the other person is trying to harm you, but when you meet a pervert, you can only admit that you are unlucky. Because perverts have no logic at all, they will only follow their own pleasure. One second you are his companion, and the next second he may kill you!

Now that he had determined that this guy was a pervert, Fang Qi didn't bother to think about the reason why he did this. Because for perverts, they dont need a reason to do things, they just need their mood. When they are in a good mood, they are the heroes who save the world. When they are in a bad mood, they will turn into the terrifying Satan and make you miserable.

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