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☆ 34. Chapter 34 Framing

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Chapter 34: Framing

"Are you okay?" Fang Qi said and had already run to the green dots.

Everyone was separated when we escaped just now, so there are only three people here. But there were two level three zombies in front of them.

After Fang Qi finished speaking, he consciously joined in the action of exterminating the zombies.

Because there were outsiders present, Fang Qi deliberately did not use fire control, but activated water spells in a corner where others could not see. Because the water spell can make zombies have a certain chance of falling asleep, others are surprised that the zombies are not moving. The last two zombies were easily eliminated by them.

The appearance of Fang Qi saved these three people from the crisis.

After dealing with the zombies, one of the three people rushed to Fang Qi's side and asked, "Have all the old people and children been rescued?" What he was most worried about was whether his parents were safe. leave here.

Fang Qi nodded and assured him, "Don't worry. They have all been sent away safely."

"Great!" Upon hearing this, the man immediately thanked him excitedly. "Thank you so much!"

Fang Qi was stunned and waved his hand, "It's not my fault alone," he said, "But the most important thing now is that we have to leave here safely."

The man nodded, Then he said distressedly, "Actually, we also want to leave quickly, but there are too many intersections in this alley. And I don't know which intersection leads to a place that won't have a lot of zombies." The

question the man asked was also why There are still many people trapped in alleys.

"If possible, I can lead the way," Fang Qi said. "I am familiar with the intersection here, so I can take you out. But I cannot guarantee the dangers along the way." Fang Qi is only responsible for taking them away, as for themselves Regarding safety issues, he does not feel that he has that obligation.

"It's okay. We are not timid! If we encounter zombies, we will kill them!" Another one of the three said confidently.

After seeing that all three of them had no objections, Fang Qi took the lead and walked towards the intersection leading to the exit.

There are some zombies that cannot be avoided along the way, and they are standing at that intersection. But other intersections are not in the direction leading to the exit. Seeing this, Fang Qi paused for a moment and continued walking inside.

Because Fang Qi led the way, he was also the first to see the zombies at that intersection.

No more, no less, exactly four level three zombies.

It seems that as time goes by, the number of level three zombies is gradually increasing. Most of the zombies we encounter today are level three.

If Fang Qi encountered the four level three zombies in front of him alone, he would definitely use firebending to kill them easily in seconds. But the reality is that there are others beside Fang Qi.

This made Fang Qi very entangled, feeling that he obviously had strength but could not be exposed easily.

Since there were four of them, it was natural for the group of them to deal with one each.

Fang Qi had water spell in his hand, so he killed his one easily. Then he helped deal with the other three people one by one.

But something unexpected happened at this time.

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