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Zombie Xu Jiang...

I have to say that this idea makes Fang Qi feel extremely scary.

If zombies can really evolve to the point where they have thoughts similar to normal people, can humans still survive?

Nowadays, zombies, who have no thoughts but amazing physical strength and strength, have made humans find them extremely difficult to deal with. If each of these zombies had such strength and physical strength and could deal with humans...

humans might have no future.

"No matter what, we still have to make this assumption. Make complete preparations first, maybe in the future..." An Chi did not say the next words. Because he doesn't know if zombies have really evolved so much, will they have a future? After all, such zombies are not existences that they can defeat.

"Yeah. I understand." Fang Qi nodded. Although the idea just now was just a guess, it was enough to illustrate the power of the zombie enemy.

Just now, Fang Qi suddenly thought of the rating of those zombies.

The highest level zombie I encountered before was a level four zombie. That zombie was already a very powerful guy, and the system said that the highest level zombie was level 12. Not to mention the power of level 12 zombies, level 4 zombies are already so powerful, let alone level 8 or 10 zombies. What kind of existence would they be...

When he thought of the existence of those zombies, Fang Qi's body trembled inexplicably because of fear. But now is not the time for him to be afraid.

It's fine. Fang Qi comforted himself in his heart. At least, he has a system, and when those zombies are getting stronger, he is also getting stronger.

And if he wants to become stronger and stronger, he first needs to fight! Kill more zombies and get more experience!

Thinking of this, Fang Qi took a deep breath. Think, he hasn't lost yet.

An Chi on the side naturally noticed the fluctuation in Fang Qi's heart from just now. And from being worried at the beginning, he felt relieved when he saw that Fang Qi calmed down in the end.

An Chi thought, if the zombies are really that powerful by then, he will die. He doesn't care about death. He is alive now because of family and friends. And if his family dies and his friends leave him, he doesn't think there will be any meaning in his life. Yes, Anchi is such an extreme person. Even though he appears to be very friendly to everyone, no one would have imagined that he could be such a person.

In fact, people live not because of worries.

"Let's go." After thinking clearly, Fang Qiqi realized that they had been standing in the same place since just now. But this time they went out with a mission.

"Yes. We have to complete the mission and go back as soon as possible. It will be more dangerous when it gets dark." An Chi nodded, then turned around and took the lead to set off towards the destination.

On this day, Anchi took the lead, and Fang Qi gradually became familiar with the team's tasks. There are two types of outing missions. One is to discover the existence of resources in areas outside the town. This is a search group. The other is to act from information provided by the search team, and the entire team rides in a large truck to move the resources. This is the collection group.

Anchi's team is one of the search teams. Strictly speaking, the search team is more dangerous than the collection team. After all, they have to search for resources in a completely unfamiliar environment. Often when they find resources and go to check it out happily, a group of zombies attack. A lot of times, accidents happen like this.

But the search group gives more benefits than the gathering group. Because they complete their daily tasks at the cost of their lives, and because there are few of them, each person is allocated more resources on average. The collection team is a large group of people, too many. Although it is very dangerous for them to go out to work, when they arrive at that place to search for supplies, the search team will definitely give them a hand-drawn map the day before and tell them where the place is more dangerous and let them be careful.

When Fang Qiqi understood that the team he was in was doing work of this nature, he glanced at Anchi. Because Anchi knows that he is special.

"I think your ability is the most suitable for this job." Anchi said, "With the help of your map, I think we can reduce the number of people who sacrificed while exploring the map." You know, this team was originally ten Two people, but a few days ago, one person died due to the sudden appearance of zombies on the task of drawing a map. Although his companions killed the member who had turned into a zombie at that time, Anchi had to let him think. Too many people died in this mission.

Because they go out, there is always the chance that they will be successfully attacked by zombies and turn into zombies. Because their team only operates in groups of two. For this moment. Although it is cruel, it is very realistic.

Because that's what it is.

"I understand." Fang Qi nodded. He knew that Anchi would arrange it this way. On the one hand, it depends on his special ability, and on the other hand, it is also his ability. Because Fang Qi is suitable for the search group. The zombies he encounters will be his powerful energy when his life is not in serious danger.

"Let me do the drawing of the previous map." Fang Qi said.

"That's what I think." An Chi said. Let two people continue to explore their surroundings.

"Does our search team have a specified number of resource areas to find every day?" Fang Qi wanted to know more about this organization. He felt that it was not without reason that this gang would control the lifeblood of this city. At least these institutions and organizations sound like they are the perfect existence in the apocalypse. Thinking of this, Fang Qi sighed helplessly. Although he also has the determination to become a strong man and want to save everyone from suffering, the little guy will always be the little guy. Even if he had that powerful system, it wouldn't change much.

To be honest, Fang Qi felt disappointed after thinking about this clearly. He was proud when he got this apocalyptic system at first, but after accidents happened again and again, he discovered that perhaps, the only thing he could change was himself. Just make yourself stronger slowly.

"Each of our search groups has a completion limit. If there are more, the more things you get, and there will even be extra rewards. If there are less, some supplies will be deducted." An Chi said, and then patted Fang Qi's shoulder reassuringly. , "But don't worry. Our team is the strongest among all search teams."

Just because you are all excellent, I want to make myself very useful!

After Fang Qi made up his mind, he looked up at An Chi firmly and said, "Don't worry. I won't embarrass our team!"

An Chi smiled, "Qi Qi, you are very strong. This is why I want to recruit you. "

Yes. I know."

Fang Qiqi not only knew that Anchi did this out of what he said was a great need for his arrival, but also to take care of himself.

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