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☆ 19. Chapter 19 Properties

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Chapter 19 Attributes

Chapter 19 Attributes

"Are you okay? Qi Qi, Xu Jiang." After Anchi finished dealing with the zombie, he immediately ran to Fang Qi and the two of them and asked with concern.

After hearing this, Fang Qiqi first nodded towards him and said with a smile: "It's not bad, but I'm running out of energy. I'm still a little tired now." Looking at An Chi, Fang Qi suddenly thought that it was An Chi who killed the zombie just now. But why did I still gain experience here? Thinking of this, Fang Qi suddenly remembered the [Novice Elf]. But now is not the convenient moment to ask it.

Xu Jiang also nodded fearfully beside Fang Qi, "It was really too dangerous just now." He was so scared that he patted his chest and breathed: "Just why, when I came here just now, the woman was clearly still A normal human being! Why did he turn into a monster in the next second?" Xu Jiang was still very confused about this matter. Fang Qiqi, who was on the side, also frowned slightly after hearing Xu Jiang's complaint.

Because that monster is none other than a zombie. After a zombie injures a human, the human will turn into its own kind.

But, how to explain it to Xu Jiang?

Fang Qi wanted very much to explain to Xu Jiang this way, but now Fang Qi had no evidence to prove to him that the monster just now was a zombie. Because all of Fang Qi's knowledge of the monster came from the system that appeared inexplicably in his own body. And now Fang Qi has no intention of telling anyone about this system, including his parents.

Listening silently to Xu Jiang's complaints, Fang Qi turned his gaze to the dead zombie on the ground.

As a man, Fang Qi also felt that everything in front of him was very terrifying and disgusting. In fact, Fang Qi never thought that he was afraid of scary things before, because every time he watched horror movies with others, he was always the one who was extra calm and didn't find those scary things at all.

And because he watched "Resident Evil", he once thought about what he would do if zombies came to him one day. What he thought about most at that time was about food. As for killing zombies, Facing the bloody smell and the dark environment... these were not important to Fang Qi at that time. Only now, when he was actually experiencing these things, did he realize that his courage and strength were not enough. And when he was watching the corpses of the zombies, he felt that his back was unusually cold. The monsters on the screen are naturally not scary, but when these monsters come to you!

The gap between reality and imagination is still huge.

And the appearance of zombies is also telling Fang Qi that the end of the world is coming soon!

Fang Qiqi thought about it and stood up from the ground when he felt that his physical strength had almost recovered.

No matter what, the most important thing for him now is to save his father.

"According to what the woman just said, the warehouse of the teahouse goes in this direction." When Fang Qi stood up, An Chi reached out and put one of Fang Qi's arms on his shoulder.

"Thank you." Fang Qi nodded with An Chi's support, and then said in the direction An Chi said: "Then let's leave quickly. I don't know if there is any danger around my dad yet." "

But Qi Qi said , you dont have any physical strength now! Xu Jiang looked at Fang Qi with dissatisfaction. "Even if you go there, you can't help based on your current physical condition." Although

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