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Why help them? Fang Qiqi thought deeply after hearing the woman's words. However, after he noticed the tired and sleepy expression of the child, he sighed.

The most likely to lose their lives in this apocalyptic world are these women and children. And what hope do humans have of losing their women and children? Willing to protect them and wanting to help them are just things that Fang Qi decided the moment he saw them. Since you have this ability, why not help others. It would be fine if the other party was a man with physical strength and ability, but what he encountered was a woman and child who had no ability to protect themselves. Just like letting women and children go first during the 9/11 incident, this is what he must do as a man.

However, these obligations seem so ridiculous in this post-apocalyptic world. Perhaps people have been influenced by interests all year round. I dont know when, those simple characters began to be regarded as stupid, and those peoples heroes were regarded as stupid. The human ego gradually grows stronger. If there is no benefit, dont do it. Such ideas have gradually invaded the minds of today's human beings. If everyone is so selfish, then human beings will appear extremely vulnerable when faced with the attack of this group of zombies. Everyone knows the principle of one chopstick and a bunch of chopsticks, but because of trust and selfishness, few people will actually do it. cooperate? Yes, as long as you have what I want in you.

Facing the woman's wary gaze, Fang Qi just chose to turn around and walk into the bedroom in silence. Accustomed to this profit-first worldview, human beings no longer believe that the simple characters described in those books will appear in real life, let alone around themselves. Perhaps people have already determined in their hearts that the approach or approach of others has a purpose and is premeditated.

But, can such a nation that doesnt even believe in their own kind really be able to defeat zombies? People need heroes, and they also long for someone to lead them to peace. In order to live and to live in peace, they absolutely need a spiritual support. That spiritual pillar must be strong enough to convince them all.

This night was probably the first time in Fang Qi's life that he thought so deeply about the future direction of their humanity. In the past, he was forced by life. Even though he was an angry youth for a period of time in college, he spoke freely about various class inequalities, the darkness of reality and the corruption of people's hearts on the Internet. But later, when he came out of the society, he was busy at work and had to sacrifice himself for five buckets of rice. He found that he only had to take care of himself, and the real world was not something he had the right to interfere with. Even if I speak loudly there, it won't change anything.

But things are different now. Zombies are not something that can be easily eliminated by a small group or an army alone. If human beings do not unite to deal with this group of zombies and only know how to run for their lives and escape, if the number of zombies does not decrease and the number of people who are scratched and infected gradually increases, then in the end, is it possible for humans to survive?

As the number of zombies increases, the difficulty of dealing with them will double, not to mention that the problem of food shortage will become more obvious as time goes on.

And Fang Qi was not the only one to think about these issues.

Not far from Fang Qi, two people were talking like this.

"Now society is in chaos, isn't this the opportunity we have been waiting for for a long time?" the man said, with a longing expression on his face. But in an instant, his expression became particularly ferocious.

"Oh?" The person who heard this just nodded casually and asked, "Then what are you going to do? But you have to know that although this opportunity is given, not everyone can successfully use it!" "

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