New Family Dynamic : Part 1

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As the blazing beautiful sun shines brightly over Awa'atlu, the village heir walks along his usual route through the village. Accompanying him are Tsireya and Rotxo.

Many villagers greet Aonung, and he greets back with his usual bright smile.

They walk along the woven paths until they reach their destination; The Sully den. From it, the noises of an argument emits, for the eighth morning since arriving.

It's been a week since they arrived, and since then Aonung has been trying his best to distract them from their own discord.

Most would say that the display in front of them means his progress has gotten nowhere, but he begs to differ.

As their father remains deep in slumber in his hammock, the Sully kids argue about any and everything.

Lo'ak- Get off your damn high horse!

Kiri- Oh so now I think I'm better than you just because I'm the one trying to bring some order in here?! You could at least lend a hand when I ask!

Lo'ak- Tell that to Neteyam, he's the oldest!

Kiri- I don't know where he is!

Lo'ak- Nobody ever does.

Kiri- Then why the fuck would you say to tell him?!

Lo'ak- Tell him when he's here!

The Metkayina trio stand in the entrance, watching the chaos that never seems to end.

Rotxo- Once again, this family is a complete shit show.

Aonung- They just need more time, they're progressing.

Tsireya- Yeah, at the speed of a snail. It's been a week.

Aonung- Fine, I hear you. Just stick to the usual routine until I can think of something.

Tsireya- Okay, but I am not taking the kid with me this time.

Aonung- Why not?

Tsireya- She's annoying. She never just acts like a kid, she's always pretending she's one of us when she doesn't even understand.

Aonung- Then help her.

Tsireya- Nope.

Tsireya boldly steps into the den, ignoring Tuktirey sitting on the side watching the commotion in silence.

Tsireya- Hey, Kiri.

Kiri turns her attention from Lo'ak to Tsireya, just now realizing their presence.

Kiri- Thank goodness, it's time.

Kiri walks up to her with an exaggerated sigh of relief, and she smirks with a chuckle.

Tsireya- Let's get the hell outta here.

She confidently leads Kiri off away from the others with a sway in her step, leaving Tuktirey behind.

The young girl was able to take the hint and knew Tsireya didn't want her around, so she remained in her spot.

Lo'ak walks over to the Metkayina boys and beckons his little sister over.

Rotxo- There's no way I'm taking a fuckin' kid.

Tuktirey- I'm not a kid.

Rotxo- See what I mean?

Aonung- I can't take her, I have to-

Lo'ak- Look for my disgrace of a brother? Give it up, he's a waste of time.

Aonung- You know I can't do that.

Lo'ak- You should just leave him out there and hope something eats him.

Aonung- Lo'ak, he's your brother, don't wish that on him.

He raises a brow at the sincerity in Aonung's voice, then scoffs.

Lo'ak- Fine, I'll help you find him.

Aonung- Really?

Lo'ak- Only to prove why we shouldn't.

Rotxo- What about the kid?

Tuktirey- I am not a kid.

She kicks Rotxo in the leg, making him nearly fall over.

Rotxo- You little-

Aonung- Easy, she's just a- . . .

He stops himself from calling her a child, and glances at the glare she's giving him, waiting for it to slip.

Aonung- She's troubled, okay?

Rotxo- Yeah, she's something else too.

Aonung- Rotxo.

Rotxo- Alright, I get it.

Aonung- Just keep an eye on her while we're gone. You don't even have to go anywhere.

Rotxo- Whatever. Fly the fuck on outta here, angel.

Aonung turns to Lo'ak and both boys leave to go look for Neteyam.

Each day they've come here to gather the Sully kids for practice, Neteyam has been gone. Their training is always separate since they can't help but argue when they're together.

So, Rotxo usually takes Lo'ak, and Tsireya takes Kiri and Tuktirey, while Aonung always takes it upon himself to find the eldest brother.

As for Jake, the clan leader always comes by to handle him. Coax him out of the hammock and to the beach just to get him moving. It isn't an easy task, and today it seems Tonowari is leaving the mourning man alone.

Rough Elegance [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now