An Array of Feelings : Part 11

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Kalín fills another bowl and holds it out for Kiri with a smile, but the girl looks at her with utter disgust.

Kiri- Who the hell do you think you are?

Jake- Kiri, be ni-

Kiri- You think you can just walk in here like you're the new fuckin' mother?

Jake- Kiri!

Kiri- What?!

Lo'ak looks at his sister with wide eyes. Not once in their lives has either of them ever raised their voice at their father, not even at the height of their anger. She's forgotten the chain of authority in their father's mental absence.

He stands from his spot, his body language threatening. Kalín cowers, taking a step back, but Kiri stands firm. He walks right up to the girl, and points towards the space he was previously in.

Jake- Sit your ass down, and eat what the kind woman made for you.

His tone is ominous, and though he voiced no threat, there's a threat behind his words.

Kiri- What do you think you're doing?

Jake- Kiri-

Kiri- You can't just replace our mother!

Jake- Have you forgotten who you're talking to?!

Kiri- That bitch could never be her! But there she is and you're acting like she's so fucking great!

Jake- Kiri, so help me-

Kiri- You're betraying mom!

His hand raises, and Lo'ak covers Tuktirey's eyes as a loud, echoing slap is heard. Lo'ak looks up, opening his eyes. Kiri is unharmed, and off to the side, because the woman she was bashing stood in her place. Jake's body freezes as his heart drops.

Kalín looks up at him, attempting to pretend she isn't hurt, but the tears welling up in her eyes are obvious.

Kalín- She is out of place, yes, b-but . . . I-I couldn't . . . I couldn't let you hit her . . .

She fails to hold back her tears and whimpers, and Lo'ak and Tuktirey stand frozen.

Kiri- Don't fuckin' protect me, I don't need that shit from you.

Tuktirey- Kiri!

Kiri's gaze snaps to her little sister's angered expression.

Tuktirey- You sound like Neteyam.

Kiri- I don't care!

Tuktirey- Fuck you!

Kiri- Fuck you too! I'd rather have Neteyam defend me instead of her!

Tuktirey- Then why'd you shun him!?

Jake looks at Kiri, he's been wondering what happened to his oldest boy. The last week was a blur for him, in and out of consciousness he flowed, and when he finally felt alive again, the boy suddenly wasn't there.

Kiri- He was bad for us, okay.

Tuktirey- You never even gave him a chance.

Her tears begin to fall, but she still glares at her big sister.

Kiri- He never gave us a chance.

Tuktirey- He saved Aonung and Rotxo!

Kiri- I don't care what he did!

Tuktirey- You're a hypocrite.

She wipes her face and walks over to Kalín, looking up at her, then reaching for her hand to hold for comfort.

Tuktirey- I don't hate you, madam. Thanks for making us food.

The sweetness of the small girl distracts her from the stinging pain on her face. Tuktirey pulls her over to the pot and sits down, ready for her share of food. Kalín happily gives it to her, and to Lo'ak who quietly goes to sit next to Tuktirey.

Stiffly, Jake places himself back in the spot he was before. He's angered, not just with Kiri, but with himself as well. It wasn't entirely his fault Kalín got hit, but he feels entirely responsible for it.

As he sits with his hands grasping his knees, Kalín places a soft hand on his shoulder.

Kalín- Jake.

His scowling face doesn't turn to meet hers.

Kalín- Jake, it's okay, I'm alright.

His muscles tense as he sighs deeply.

Jake- I'm so sorry.

His words are airy, but meaningful. She refills his bowl and hands it to him, unsure of how to prove she's alright. In a way, he seems to relax more, grabbing the bowl and finally looking at her. He says a small thanks and begins to eat his seconds.

Kiri watches her family with disbelief. With a roll of her eyes she walks towards the exit.

Jake- Kiri, sit your ass down and eat, or I will jerk a knot so tight in your tail it'll break your bones.

Kiri- I-

Lo'ak- Just eat.

Reluctantly, she listens to Lo'ak, and sits next to him. Kalín hands her a bowl, and she eats in silence, while her siblings join Jake and Kalín's conversations. Lo'ak appreciates her sense of humor, like his father does, and Tuktirey just loves the woman's hair.

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