The Al'Háven Way : Part 6

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Some distance away from the lake, Rotxo and Tuktirey approach another patch of trees to search through for more critters, but the older boy finds himself feeling strange. For a split second he feels dizzy, and trips a bit, but not enough to fall or drop the small girl he's carrying on his shoulders.

When they walk into the few trees, he lets her down to explore, as he's done at each patch they've gone to. Another wave of dizziness hits him, making him lean against a tree. He decides to sit down against the trunk, remaining still this time instead of following her.

She turns around and gives him a confused look as he takes deep breaths.

Tuktirey- What are you doing? We're on an expedition.

Rotxo- I'm just taking a break.

Tuktirey- A break?

Rotxo- Yes, a fuckin' break. Now go on, I'll do the next one.

Tuktirey- Fine, I'll find something cool to show you.

She spots a hole in the trunk of a tree and starts climbing up to it. She rests on a branch, then looks into the dark space, finding a few tiny glowing creatures that are hiding in there waiting for eclipse to return. With a giggle she reaches out and gently picks one up, then skillfully makes her way back down.

With a hop in her step, she runs back over to the tree Rotxo is resting against, holding the creature proudly in her hands.

Tuktirey- Rotxo, look at this one!

She stops next to the marine boy, but her smile fades as she looks down at him. His breathing has become labored, but just moments ago she had no clue anything was wrong with him, he seemed perfectly fine.

Tuktirey- Rotxo?

She sets the creature on the side of the tree, then grabs his limp hand, holding it up for some sort of reaction, but his eyes remain clenched shut as he struggles to breathe correctly.

Tuktirey- Rotxo, can you hear me? Rotxo!

His heavy eyelids begin to open, but barely, only making contact for a second before they close, rolling back.

Rotxo- Tuk . . .

He tries to say more, but can't seem to speak through whatever is happening to him.

Tuktirey- Don't worry, I'll get help.

She lies his hand back down, then frantically looks around, but there's no one in sight. That is, until an Ikran lands nearby, and her oldest brother hops off of it, seeming unaware of their presence.

He always ignores her, and hates when she tries to talk to him or touch him, but she doesn't have a choice, he's the only one around. She's hoping that whatever he's been off doing has put him in a calm mood so she can reason with him.

As Neteyam rubs the neck of his Ikran, speaking softly to it, he suddenly hears his name being called, and instantly recognizes the voice. He doesn't respond, and says his goodbyes to the Ikran, allowing it to fly off to hunt.

Tuktirey- Neteyam!

She calls again, making him roll his eyes. He isn't in the mood to deal with someone he has no tolerance for. He ignores her, but she runs right up to him, making him turn the other way.

Tuktirey- Neteyam, you have to help me!

Neteyam- No, actually, I don't. So fuck off.

Tuktirey- Please there's no one else around.

Neteyam- Boo hoo, not my problem.

She stomps in frustration, with a high pitched snarl that sounds almost like a shriek.

Tuktirey- Can you stop being an ass for just one moment and help me already?! There's something wrong with Rotxo!

He stops to think, knowing how Aonung would feel if something happened to the boy, and how he would feel knowing he could've helped. With a deep sigh, he turns to finally face his baby sister.

Neteyam- Show me.

She wastes no time leading him back over to Rotxo. They find him lying on his side taking small gasping breaths, and rush over to him. Neteyam kneels down to observe him. He notes the twitching eyelids, and beckons his sister down. She kneels next to him.

He lifts one of the eyelids open with his thumb. The boy's pupils are dilated, halfway rolled back, and moving around erratically. He lets go, allowing the eye to clench shut once again, then looks to his sister.

Neteyam- He's asleep . . . Rotxo!

Tuktirey- I called to him before, but he couldn't say much back.

Neteyam- I'm sure he's dreaming, but it's different.

He mumbles a bit as the boy begins to whimper, watching the muscles in his neck tense up as he gasps for air. Then Tuktirey gasps in realization.

Tuktirey- This is like when Koral bit him!

Neteyam- What happened?

Tuktirey- He was just like this, and then he could feel his wound.

Rotxo wraps his arms around himself, curling up as he twitches a bit, breaking into a sweat. Tuktirey rubs his arm comfortingly, though she knows it probably has no effect.

Tuktirey- We have to take him to Ronal.

Neteyam- How?

Tuktirey- Just carry him, on your back.

Neteyam- No.

Tuktirey- Call your Ikran back.

Neteyam- It's long gone, probably won't be back in this area again until after it eats.

Tuktirey- Look at him!

He glances back down at Rotxo, but quickly looks away, feeling a memory trying to surface in his mind.

Tuktirey- He needs you!

Neteyam- There's nothing I can do!

Tuktirey- Yes there is, you just don't want to!

Neteyam- No, I'm telling you-

Tuktirey- Forget it!

She abruptly stands, giving Neteyam a glare.

Tuktirey- Stay here, and don't leave him.

She runs off into a sprint, going as fast as she can.

Neteyam- What the hell are you doing?! . . . Tuk!

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