Overload : Part 4

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Back in the village, Kiri walks up the ramp into the home of the royals. She greeted Ronal on her way here and was told Tsireya had been inside all day. As she enters the den, the princess immediately looks up at her from the floor where she's finishing her lunch. The two stare at each other in silence for a moment.

With a deep breath, Kiri walks up to her, and sits in front of her on her knees. Tsireya simply watches with no clear emotion on her face.

Kiri- Hey.

She speaks a bit awkwardly, not expecting a response, but Tsireya offers one.

Tsireya- Hey.

Kiri- Remember that conversation we had about the boys not knowing how to talk things out?

Tsireya- Yeah.

Her answer is dry, which doesn't help Kiri's confidence, but she continues anyway.

Kiri- Well, I think that kinda rubbed off on me.

Tsireya- Ya don't say.

Tsireya eats the last of her fruit slices, still remaining indifferent.

Kiri- So, I've come to talk, but first I want to apologize.

She finally gains a subtle bit of emotion from Tsireya. The girl's ears perk up, showing her surprise.

Kiri- I shouldn't have just flipped out on you like that. You didn't even know that what you were doing was bothering me before I went off. I mean how could you have known? I never mentioned it.

She pauses and looks up at Tsireya as she adjusts herself.

Tsireya- I'm listening.

Her tone is lighter, boosting Kiri's confidence.

Kiri- And I now know that I'm half the reason you were acting like that. I did cling to you first, now that I think about it. I'm sorry for acting the way I did.

Tsireya- Me too.

Kiri smiles, making Tsireya smile softly as well.

Tsireya- Now that I look back, I was kind of asking for it when I started getting rough with you. I guess the boys kinda rubbed off on me too.

She laughs softly, making Tsireya's smile grow.

Tsireya- Honestly, if I were you, I would've beat the shit outta me.

Kiri- (laughs) I don't doubt that.

They both share a short laugh, making Kiri's heart flutter.

Tsireya- So, does that mean we're back on? Or what?

Kiri- I . . .

She stops to think hard for a moment, and Tsireya waits in anticipation.

Kiri- I really like this. Just talking and laughing like we used to, before jumping into what we didn't need. Literally.

Tsireya chuckles, remembering her ridiculous stunt following Kiri off a cliff.

Kiri- I love our friendship, and I really missed it. I hope you don't feel too sore to let us have that again.

The girl goes quiet, looking down to the floor.

Kiri- Please understand, and be my best friend again. I missed you.

Tsireya suddenly looks up at her with a smug grin.

Tsireya- Of course you did, doe eyes, I'm the fuckin' best.

She laughs at her never ending overconfidence.

Tsireya- I kinda had a feeling you preferred boys anyway.

Kiri- Sorry.

Tsireya- Don't be. I won't deny they're attractive, but I gotta know something.

Kiri- And that is?

Tsireya- Do you like Koral?

Kiri- Uh, I haven't really been focused on those kinds of feelings, but he's a great friend.

Tsireya- Oh. And you don't feel any lingering resentment towards him at all?

Kiri- Well, not anymore.

Tsireya- Rotxo is still sick.

Kiri- I know, and I hate that it happened, but it wasn't intentional.

Tsireya- He intentionally bit him.

Kiri- He really thought it would help, Tsireya. Follow your brother's example.

Tsireya- You want me to hook up with my best friend in secret? I don't think she'd be into it.

Kiri- What? No, I want you to . . . Wait, what did you just say?

Tsireya freezes, mentally cursing to herself.

Tsireya- No, what were you gonna say?

Kiri- Tsireya.

Kiri's tone is stern, making her wish she had never taken the opportunity to crack that joke.

Kiri- He's been with Rotxo?

Tsireya- You can't say anything, or Rotxo will fuckin' murder me.

Kiri- Are they together? Is that why Lo'ak switched guys?

Tsireya- Ugh, see what happens when we don't talk? You miss some shit.

Kiri- Well fill me in.

Tsireya- Honestly, I don't know much, just that Aonung has been hooking up with him recently. I don't know if they had some kind of realization of feelings or what.

Kiri- How did you find out?

Tsireya- You don't wanna know. Let's just say the sweetheart has a shameless mouth.

Kiri- For real?

Tsireya- Yeah, he has no subtlety. He didn't know I had walked in while they were talking, until I commented, and Rotxo slapped the shit out of him.

Kiri- Well now I wanna know.

Tsireya- No the fuck you don't, or your image of him will change forever. Now, moving on, I don't feel like just sitting inside anymore.

Kiri- Wanna go out to the beach?

Tsireya- For a race?

Kiri- I was gonna say a leisurely ri-

Tsireya jumps up from her spot and bolts to the entrance.

Tsireya- Come on, doe, let's go!

She rolls her eyes with a soft chuckle as she stands to follow after her.

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