Hidden Battles : Part 4

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Meanwhile, at the Sully den, Kiri is keeping Tuktirey distracted while they wait for any news on Rotxo. Neteyam lies in his hammock, his leg swinging off the side as he watches Lo'ak pace around. Their guest is outside on the roof, alone with only his thoughts.

Kiri- Lo'ak, sit down somewhere. You're stressing me out.

With a sigh, he plops himself near the entrance and gives Kiri an annoyed look.

Lo'ak- Happy now?

She rolls her eyes and continues working on a bracelet. As they continue to sit in silence, he fidgets, wishing he could still walk around.

Lo'ak- You think he's okay?

Kiri- We'll find out when they tell us.

Lo'ak- I meant Koral.

She looks at him with a bit of disappointment on her face.

Kiri- You should be worried about Rotxo. Who knows what the hell Koral just did to him.

Lo'ak- He helped him. You saw, he could feel his wound.

Kiri- He put venom in his system.

Lo'ak- And it helped.

Kiri- We don't know what it really did.

Lo'ak- We saw what it did.

Kiri- Lo'ak, we don't know Koral's biology. What he did was dangerous. It could-

Lo'ak- Are you saying he wanted to hurt him? You know him better than that.

Kiri- I do, but he's still an experiment, Lo'ak, he probably doesn't even know himself.

Lo'ak- Don't call him that.

Kiri- But that's what he is.

Lo'ak- So we should just call ourselves demon half-breeds then?

Neteyam- Both of you, shut the hell up.

Kiri- I don't need input from an ass that doesn't give a shit about any of this.

He scoffs, and leans up, standing from his hammock.

Neteyam- Are you serious? You're only upset with the weirdo because he made your girlfriend mad.

Kiri- And you think everyone else is just as selfish as you.

Neteyam- No one's more selfish, self-centered, or bitchy than you are.

She drops what she's doing and stands. Tuktirey attempts to hold her hand to keep her calm, but she doesn't let her.

Kiri- Dad's not here for you to hide behind this time.

He walks up to her with a scowl on his face.

Neteyam- Hide from what? You?

Kiri- Yeah, me, 'cause you're a big ass baby. Picking fights, throwing insults around, but then crying to daddy when you get punished for it.

She steps closer with confidence, making him snarl. Lo'ak stands quickly, rushing over to them as Tuktirey slowly backs away. He holds an arm between the two, facing Kiri.

Lo'ak- Stop.

Kiri- You're defending him? We never get to call him out on his bullshit but no one ever stops him from treating us the way he does. Dad isn't here to stop us, so have at it.

Lo'ak- Kiri, no.

She looks at him with a shake of her head.

Kiri- Okay, I get it. Now that he isn't shitting on you anymore, it doesn't matter if he does it to someone else, right?

Lo'ak- Kiri . . .

He steps closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, and speaking softly.

Lo'ak- You don't want to do this. Believe me, I've learned, it doesn't end well. Take a different approach.

She slowly lies a hand on top of his, then socks him in the face with the other.

Kiri- Fuck you.

Just as he falls back onto the floor, Neteyam tackles her, making Tuktirey jump further back with gasp.

Lo'ak- Neteyam, don't!

Just as he stands, a marine figure suddenly runs past him.

Tsireya- Kiri!

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