Hidden Battles : Part 7

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As Kalí­n walks over to start the fire to begin dinner, Koral just stands at the entrance, waiting for her to finish. Kiri strolls over to the small mess she and Tuktirey made, and starts cleaning. Tuktirey goes to help her.

Tuktirey- Are you okay?

Kiri- Yes, Tuk, I'm fine.

Lo'ak and Neteyam sit up against the wall next to each other on the other side of the den.

Lo'ak- You alright, bro?

With a sigh, Neteyam leans his head back, staring into space.

Neteyam- Yeah.

Lo'ak- Why did you go limp? I mean, not that I'm mad about it.

Neteyam- I remembered what I did to Aonung. He would be angry with me if I did something like that to his sister.

Lo'ak- Yeah, but not for long. He forgives easily.

Neteyam- I didn't want to risk it, so I forced myself to ignore the feeling with every bit of strength I had.

Lo'ak- Well, you're better than me then. I'd never hold myself back while being attacked.

Neteyam- He trusts me.

Neteyam faces Lo'ak, to make sure he gets his point across. He didn't hold back out of care for Tsireya, he held back out of respect for Aonung.

Neteyam- I want to keep things that way.

Lo'ak hums lightly, understanding.

Once Kalí­n is done with their food, she serves them, then her and Koral head back to her den. She hangs a hammock for him, and he immediately gets into it and goes to sleep, not bothering to eat anything. She decides not to bother him, sensing that he's feeling down.

In the infirmary, Rotxo's stitches are already done. Ronal left earlier with Aonung, going home for dinner. Tsireya had told them she would tell the Sullys how Rotxo was doing, then head back home, not expecting the events that ended up taking place.

Now, before going home, she decides to visit Rotxo once more. He was in so much pain before, she's beyond worried, but Ronal told her he was a bit hypersensitive, likely both physically and mentally.

Even knowing that he'll feel things normally very soon, she still worries, and goes to check on him anyway. When she walks in, she sits against the wall next to him. He's lying under a blanket with his head facing away from her, but he isn't asleep.

She sits there for a few minutes, waiting for him to say something, but her patience gives out.

Tsireya- Are you done pretending I'm not here?

Rotxo- I would be, if you'd leave.

Tsireya- You can't get mad at us for helping you.

Rotxo- I never asked for anyone's help.

Tsireya- But you needed it.

Rotxo- That wasn't for you, or anyone else, to decide!

He sits up and faces her with a glare.

Rotxo- I was perfectly fine the way I was! I didn't want to feel shit!

Tsireya- Well now you have to fuckin' feel shit, alright, so get over it!

Rotxo- Or what!? You gonna hurt me!? I'm already in fucking pain!

Tsireya- You're fine, you just have to get used to it! Damn, you aren't gonna lose your fucking leg!

Rotxo- I'm not just talking about the damn leg!

Her face falls into confusion.

Tsireya- Then what the hell are you talking about!?

Rotxo- Everything!

Tsireya- Everything? . . .

Rotxo- I managed to suppress everything! It took an entire year, but I did it! I finally felt absolutely nothing, just like I wanted.

Tsireya- But, Aonung-

Rotxo- Aonung didn't fix shit, I fixed myself!

She frowns, taking a softer tone.

Tsireya- Rotxo . . . Why would you numb yourself like that?

Rotxo- (scoffs) Why!?

He runs a hand across his face and hair in frustration.

Rotxo- Why the fuck else!? It hurt! It all fucking hurt, so damn much! So I got rid of it!

His voice cracks, making her frown deepen.

Rotxo- And you guys . . . You . . .

He covers his face, taking in a shaky breath.

Rotxo- You shits brought it back.

She watches with wide sorrowful eyes as he tries wiping his tears away.

Rotxo- I fuckin' hate you . . . All of you!

He sobs lightly, and Tsireya hesitantly reaches a hand forward. She's never seen him break down, at all, and now she knows why.

Tsireya- Rotxo-

Rotxo- Get the fuck out!

She quickly pulls her hand back, feeling hurt. Not because he's pushing her away, but because he's in pain and she can't help. He needs space. So, reluctantly, she stands and leaves the infirmary, heading home with her own tears beginning to form.

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