New Family Dynamic : Part 3

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Just on the outside of the village, Aonung and Lo'ak wander in the scattered parts of the forest, still looking for Neteyam. Though, while Aonung is entirely focused on finding the boy, Lo'ak is more interested in simply conversing.

As he stops at a tree, scanning up into it and around the area, Lo'ak suddenly pokes his face to gain his attention. Which works.

Lo'ak- Hello, you alive in there?

Aonung- Yes, and trying to focus. You could stand to put a little more effort into this, he is your brother after all.

Lo'ak- I'd rather not. I did tell you it was a waste of time.

As he looks along the ground for any signs someone's been through the area, Lo'ak flips a few curls hanging from his bun. He ignores it, though, as he's been doing this entire time.

One thing he's noticed about Lo'ak, is his never ending chatter, and extreme touchiness. He could've guessed he would talk a lot from how much he and his sister argue, but the touching comes as a surprise, since he's never seen him in any physical contact with his family members.

He seems to be lax about everything, as if he's seen it all. He jokes 24/7 but without so much as a smirk or chuckle, but it's hard to tell if he ever takes anything seriously.

He's a strange one, and Aonung is really beginning to wonder how Rotxo ever puts up with him without losing it.

Pulling him out of his thoughts, again, is Lo'ak observing his tail with his hands. He quickly turns and pops him, making the boy jump back in surprise.

Lo'ak- And here I thought you were friendly.

He takes a quick breath, calming himself.

Aonung- I'm sorry. I'm just . . . Can you focus, please?

Lo'ak- You're the one who said, at the start of our training, that you wanted to get to know us. So, here I am trying to get to know you.

Aonung- I-That's not what I meant.

Lo'ak- What else could that have meant?

Aonung- Let's put that aside for now and-

Lo'ak- Focus on finding my brother? Why? Have you ever found him out here before?

Aonung- A few times, but-

Lo'ak- And what did he do?

Aonung- He-

Lo'ak- Let me guess. He insulted you, maybe told you to fuck off, and disappeared again, right?

He goes silent for a moment, slightly startled by Lo'ak's sudden anger but not entirely surprised.

Lo'ak- Yeah, that's what I thought.

Aonung- Look, it doesn't matter what he did, we still need to find him.

Lo'ak- Why?! Why do you fucking care?!

Neteyam- My thoughts exactly.

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