An Array of Feelings : Part 8

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Before Aonung can say anything, an Ikran soars down, and Neteyam grabs onto its neck, and swings himself onto its back in mid air. He flies off with a few yips and a long call.

Aonung watches him, even when he's out of his sight, still staring afar. The others reach them, and Lo'ak is quick to start checking his wound. Rotxo pushes the boy aside and tries to have a look for himself, but Lo'ak retaliates, and it turns into a small fight.

Tsireya- Enough, you two! Damn, we get it, you both care. Why the hell does that have to be a bad thing?

She shoves both boys aside and allows Aonung to climb onto the back of her Ilu. Rather than get back on with Lo'ak, Tuktirey rides with Kiri. Since Rotxo's Ilu has gone somewhere, he's forced to ride with Lo'ak.

The two boys stand and look at the creature from the rock.

Rotxo- I'll steer.

Lo'ak- No, I'll steer.

Rotxo- I said-

Lo'ak- I don't care!

Tsireya- Oh for the love of Eywa, shut the hell up and come on already!

The girls race off, leaving them standing there. Until Rotxo attempts to jump down onto the Ilu before Lo'ak. Unfortunately for him, Lo'ak slides down the rock and connects his queue to the Ilu while still in the water.

Rotxo glares at him, not moving from his spot on the creature's back. So with a roll of his eyes, Lo'ak disconnects his queue and climbs on behind Rotxo, letting him steer. He mindlessly wraps his arms around Rotxo's waist to hold on, then as they move forward he notices the state of the Metkayina boy's back.

It's covered in fresh bleeding cuts. His eyes widen at the sight.

Lo'ak- Holy shit.

Rotxo- What?

Lo'ak- Your back, dude! It's sliced up!

Rotxo- Oh.

Lo'ak- The fuck you mean "oh?", can't you feel that?

Rotxo merely shrugs, not voicing a response or turning to face him.

Lo'ak- Fuckin' tough guy, huh?

He lightly pokes one of the cuts, hoping to get a little reaction from him, but nothing happens. He pokes it a bit harder, still nothing. He starts thinking this boy in front of him must have a pretty high tolerance for pain. It almost makes him want to hit him, just to see if he would finally react.

On impulse, he does as he was thinking, and punches Rotxo in the back. The boy glances back, but doesn't so much as flinch at what should've been extremely painful.

Rotxo- Did you just hit me? Why the fuck would you hit me if I'm hurt?

Lo'ak's brows furrow. This reaction, or lack there of, is concerning.

Rotxo- Hello?

He doesn't speak, and just stares into the pale eyes looking back at him. As he holds his gaze, he places a hand on his back, pressing against it.

Rotxo- Why the hell are you looking at me like that?

Rotxo glares at him, because of his silence, but doesn't give a reaction to the hand that's run across his wounds multiple times.

Lo'ak- You can't feel that.

His face turns awed, and Rotxo snaps his gaze forward in silence.

Lo'ak- Why can't you feel it?

Rotxo- Why can't you shut the hell up?!

Lo'ak- Why can't you just give me straight answers?!

Rotxo- Why do you have to be so damn nosy?!

Lo'ak- Because everything you do brings questions to my mind, okay!

Rotxo- That's fuckin' stupid!

Lo'ak- No it isn't, it's justified!

Rotxo- How?!

He turns to face him again, demanding an answer.

Lo'ak- Aonung and Tsireya are friendly and open, but you, you're hiding. I can't help if that makes me curious, but now, I'm just concerned.

Rotxo- Save your pity.

Lo'ak- Dude, your back is sliced open and you didn't even notice, I can't just ignore that. There's something wrong with you.

Rotxo- No there isn't.

He turns his gaze forward.

Rotxo- I've always been this way, it's normal.

Lo'ak- No it's not.

Rotxo- Yes it is . . . And even if there was something wrong with me, you couldn't fix it.

Lo'ak- . . . Have you tried the Tsahík?

Rotxo- No, and you better not tell a soul about this. Understand?

He speaks lowly, for only Lo'ak's ears. Sometimes it's like the younger Sully boy has no respect for the privacy of others, because he pries, but if he's told to keep something secret, whether he thinks he should or not, he will.

Lo'ak- I understand.

Rough Elegance [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now