The Al'Háven Way : Part 12

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In another part of the village, closer to the tunnel, Aonung walks up a short ramp and into his den. His mother is chopping fruits as she finishes preparing lunch. She glances at him, picking up on his not so good mood.

Ronal- What happened to you kids today?

Aonung- Huh?

Ronal- First I find Tsireya over there crying, and now you come home with a sad look on your face.

He looks at his sister lying in her hammock under a blanket, now quiet as she naps.

Aonung- Did she say what's wrong?

Ronal- Not exactly, but I do know.

He goes to kneel next to her as she sections off some food into large leaves.

Ronal- She said she's never dating again, so you know what that means.

Aonung- Kiri dumped her?

She nods as she ties a leaf closed. He sits quietly for a moment, thinking it ironic that they're both struggling to deal with the Sullys today.

Aonung- They seemed so in sync before.

Ronal- Well, let me give you a bit of advice, dear.

She stops to look him in the eyes.

Ronal- There is more to relationships than just fun and giggles, so be sure not to go into one expecting it to be perfect. You will go through obstacles. Understand?

Aonung- (nods)

Ronal- Good.

Aonung- So, what do you think happened? Think they'll get back together?

Ronal- Friends, no matter how understanding, do not always make the best partners.

Aonung- You don't think they will?

Ronal- That all depends on them.

He hums in response, and looks around the den, not seeing who he was originally looking for.

Ronal- Now, what troubles you?

Ronal draws his attention back to her as she looks at him expectantly.

Aonung- Nothing really.

Ronal- Are you sure? I heard you were making some new friends.

Aonung- Yeah, but they aren't giving me any trouble.

Ronal- What about Víat's daughter, Afina? Are you getting along well?

Aonung- Yeah, nothing's up.

Ronal- That's good, but I will ask again soon.

Aonung- Thank you for the concern, mother. Have you seen Rotxo?

Ronal- No, but when you find him . . .

She hands him two tied leaves that hold their lunches.

Ronal- Give him one of these.

Aonung- They feel heavy.

Ronal- Yes, plenty of food to eat.

Aonung- Could you pack less for him next time? He's had a small appetite lately.

Ronal- Small appetite?

She looks at him with concern evident in her voice, and he nods as he stands.

Ronal- Okay, I will remember that next time.

As he exits the den with the food she prepared, she begins to worry. Rotxo has always had a healthily large appetite, and has never wanted anything in small portions.

Outside, Aonung walks up onto a nearby hill, hoping the elevated view will help him spot his friend. As he expected, he sees a lone marine figure, who he recognizes, walking into a patch of trees behind the village.

He quickly begins his stride over to the area, taking a path behind the edge of the village.

When he approaches the area, Rotxo looks over at him from his spot under a tree. He goes over to him, handing him his food as he sits. Rotxo thanks him softly, then places his lunch next to him. He sits his own aside, but opens it and eats a few slices of fruit.

Aonung turns and observes the relaxed behavior of his friend as he looks up at the leaves blowing lightly in the breeze. He hasn't been very pleased with him lately, and Aonung made it worse today by boldly kissing his cheek. Which Rotxo seemed to think he did simply for the sake of his torture, but in fact, it's an attempt at something else.

Rotxo- So, how'd things go with Nete-

Aonung kisses the side of his face, interrupting him. He quickly turns to glare at the boy but freezes when he gazes upon the expression on his face. Feeling the mood take a turn, he can tell he's trying to play a dangerous game.

Rotxo- Cut that shit out.

He leans away, but Aonung's large hand cups around the back of his neck, holding him still and making his heart drop. When he pulls him closer, he immediately holds a hand against the boy's chest, keeping their distance.

Rotxo- At least fuckin' ask first, you insatiable asshole.

Calmly, Aonung grabs his wrist with the other hand, pulling his arm down.

Aonung- I did. This morning, and now.

He speaks softly, while holding Rotxo's hand to the ground. Slowly, he leans in, his eyes focused solely on plump lips.

Rotxo- What happened to your randos?

Aonung- I don't want them, so-

Rotxo- Aonung, we can't do this.

His voice holds a trace of fear, and it's obvious he's nervous. He watches as his friend leans forward, and his breath hitches in his throat. Their lips press together, but briefly, then Aonung looks into his eyes.

Aonung- Please.

Rotxo- We shouldn't-

He pecks his lips again.

Aonung- Please.

Rotxo- What're you even asking for?

Aonung- You.

Rotxo- But in-

He pecks his lips twice more before Rotxo resumes his questioning.

Rotxo- In what aspect? You're already k-

He kisses him once more, but Rotxo pushes his face away with his free hand, and holds it over his mouth.

Rotxo- Aonung, I'm serious.

The look in his eyes is a displeased one, but he remains calm as he releases Rotxo's hand to pull away the one held over his mouth.

Aonung- I won't go back to Lo'ak, or anyone else, if you just let me do this.

Rotxo- What about Neteyam?

He groans softly in a bit of frustration, then presses their lips together again briefly.

Aonung- Please. I need this.

He runs his brief kisses down to the side of Rotxo's neck.

Rotxo- Are you tryin' to fuck your frustrations out on me?

He leans up and looks Rotxo in the eyes while sliding both his hands onto his waist.

Aonung- Are you gonna let me?

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