The Al'Háven Way : Part 8

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Neteyam's nose scrunches up a bit, now that his happy high is coming down some, he's suddenly picking up on a strong whiff of a thick scent that holds remnants of Aonung, but it isn't coming from the marine boy's direction, it's coming from the one right next to him.

His ears lay back as he frowns, his good mood suddenly fading. He grabs his brother's arm with a tightened grip, making him jump slightly. Lo'ak looks at him in clear confusion.

Neteyam- Were you with Aonung?

Lo'ak- Uh . . . Yeah.

His heart drops at the glare Neteyam gives him. His brother never said much on the matter beforehand, only showing a bit of disappointment, but now something about it is angering him. Problem is, Lo'ak has no clue what exactly has him so upset.

He releases his arm with a short hiss and steps away from Lo'ak, turning to head somewhere else. As Rotxo stands from his spot, rolling his eyes at Ronal's worries, he notices Neteyam storming off. He looks at Lo'ak's fidgety behavior as he now comes up to them.

Ronal- Rotxo, are you listening?

Rotxo- I am fine, I told you that.

Ronal- Obviously you aren't, or Tuk would not have come to get me.

Rotxo- She was overreacting.

Tuktirey- No I wasn't.

Rotxo- Mhm, sure.

Rotxo turns back in the direction Neteyam went, watching the blue figure climb into a tree. Aonung turns in the same direction, wondering what happened. Ronal sighs with a shake of her head, fed up with Rotxo's lack of concern for himself.

Ronal- Back to the village, all of you.

Rotxo- Seriously? I'm not staying cooped up in the infirmary again.

Ronal- It's just for the rest of the day.

Rotxo- It isn't even noon yet.

Aonung- Mother, can I retrieve Neteyam first?

Lo'ak- Me too.

Rotxo- On second thought . . .

He suddenly yanks Lo'ak over to him by the wrist, then hangs a heavy arm around his shoulders, daring the boy to try and step away from him.

Rotxo- Lo'ak and I will just head back right now, while Aonung goes to do whatever the hell he wants. Bye.

He starts walking quickly in the direction of home and tugging Lo'ak along with him. Ronal and Tuktirey exchange a look, then see Aonung has already gone off to look for Neteyam. Not bothering to question anything, they begin to stroll leisurely back home, keeping their distance from the fastwalking boys ahead of them.

After they're a ways ahead, Rotxo releases Lo'ak, allowing him to walk regularly next to him. The boy gives him a confused look.

Lo'ak- Why did you do that?

Rotxo- You need to stay your ass away from Aonung.

Lo'ak rolls his eyes at Rotxo's never ending attempts to keep him from being close to the heir.

Lo'ak- It's not like you're doing anything with him yourself, you can't expect me to just back off.

Rotxo- Unless you wanna be a part of the damn fuck circle, you need to leave him be.

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