Til Eywa Do Us Part : Part 4

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Around noon, on the back of Itero the Ikran, Neteyam rides smoothly with Aonung holding onto him from behind. Normally he'd be pulling stunts and zooming through the partially clouded skies above their island, but right now, he just wants to show his lover the great view.

With the wind blowing his braids into Aonung's face, he chuckles, and the boy gently pulls them out of his way. As the Ikran tilts, they look down at the scenery below.

The large glistening lake, reflecting the sun. The ripples in the flowing grasses of the meadows dancing in the breeze. Their lively village, radiating peace. And the various greens of the forests, decorated by the diverse colors of its plants. Though two homes were lost to get here, they still find the place strikingly beautiful.

With the mental command for his Ikran to continue soaring calmly above their home, Neteyam pulls his feet up onto the creature's back. Aonung's hold on his waist loosens as he stands up carefully, keeping his knees bent. He turns himself around and sits facing Aonung with a small smile.

The heir glances behind him, looking concerned for a moment before realizing there's nothing up here for them to hit. When his gaze returns to the golden eyes in front of him, Neteyam's hand slides towards him, grabbing onto his. With a smile he holds onto it gently as their hands rest between each other.

Aonung- I didn't think you were the leisurely ride type.

Neteyam- I just wanna look at you right now. I'll give you an adrenaline rush later.

Aonung lets out a short chuckle, making Neteyam's smile grow. Interrupting their small moment, the Ikran flies through a cloud, making them look around with soft laughter at the tingly feeling of the water catching on their skin. When they exit the cloud, both boys look out at the scenery, enjoying it all over again.

Never before has he felt so calm, so serene, and so at peace. It's foreign to him, but welcome, and appreciated.

Neteyam turns his focus to the marine boy, who's still enjoying the view, and he scoots forward a bit. He brings a hand to Aonung's face, and turns his head to face him as he leans in and brings their mouths together gently. He feels the heir smile into their kiss, and soon does the same, thriving in its tender sweetness.

After their morning starting off the way it did, this is just what they needed; Each other. When it's just them, they can do nothing but enjoy each other's presence, as Neteyam wants.

As expected, his marine boy starts to get a little worked up, but he quickly puts a stop to it and pulls away, not wanting to get heated on the back of his Ikran. Also as expected, Aonung pouts at him for cutting the session short, then proceeds to whine.

Aonung- Why'd you stop?

Neteyam- Do you really wanna fall outta the sky trying to fuck me? I mean do you really?

The boy stares off into space for a moment as he begins to really think that over.

Neteyam- Aonung!

Aonung- What?

Neteyam- The answer is no, you hornball.

Aonung- Oh, sorry.

He sighs, wishing he could say he can't believe the boy actually considered the idea, but he isn't surprised at all.

Neteyam- You really need to-

A horn sounds from the beach, crashing their peacefulness, and makes him turn around with alert ears. His Ikran screeches as it sounds again, and he stands to turn his body forward to fly properly. As they glide over the mountain, towards the shore, there's a commotion seen happening on the beach. With Aonung holding onto him, he guides Itero to dive for a quick landing.

Loose sand flies around the Ikran's flapping wings as they reach the beach, making some of the villagers back away. Aonung hops off the creature, as does Neteyam, then the Olo'eyktan is seen discussing something with one of the lookouts, Hakune.

While Neteyam calms his Ikran, Aonung runs over to his father, glimpsing Tsireya, Kiri, Tuktirey, and Koral nearby.

Hakune- They told no one where they were going, but left the reef anyway. They both know that's mandatory, so going unspoken was done purposely.

Tonowari- Are you sure they didn't just forget? Rotxo knows better than to-

Víat- Disobey the rules?

Tonowari's trusted guard comes to his side, gaining his attention.

Víat- He stabbed someone earlier, Chief. I don't think he cares about the rules anymore.

He stands a little speechless. This sort of behavior was never something he had to worry about with Rotxo, who was generally well behaved despite the rebellious sounding way he speaks. Even through what's happened to him, the boy seemed relatively fine in his eyes, he isn't sure what caused the sudden change.

Aonung- Father, what's going on?

The adults turn to the young heir, and he looks between them, anxious for an answer as Neteyam comes up behind him with the others.

Tonowari- Rotxo has run off with Jake's younger boy.

Aonung- What?

Neteyam- Where?

Aonung turns to look at Neteyam, seeing a mixture of things on his face. Hakune turns and points in the direction they were last seen going.

Hakune- That way.

Without another word, Neteyam bolts away from the others, and Aonung goes after him.

Aonung- Neteyam!

Neteyam speeds ahead of him, then climbs onto his Ikran and takes off before he can get close. Aonung, and many others, shield their eyes from the flying sand as the creature soars away in the direction the lookout pointed to.

He flies higher and higher, gaining altitude for a better view, hoping to spot his brother on the back of an Ilu. He calls the boy's name as loudly as he can, not caring if it draws other creatures towards him, but as he searches on, he finds no one.

Even after hours of flying over endless waters, he has no luck, and by the time eclipse is upon them, he's only just heading back home. He himself was lost after wandering outside of his navigation ability, but luckily, his Ikran always knows the way back home.

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