Hidden Battles : Part 3

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Rotxo's body falls limp as he suddenly sees many images before him.

He's a child again, and in the ocean. It's a sunny day, and no one else is there, just him and the many creatures around him. Suddenly one creature in particular catches his eye.

A vibrant red eel swims by him, and for some reason he reaches out to touch it. But a shock quickly makes him pull his hand back. Unfortunately, his hand is pulled towards the creature's skin again by an invisible force. Making him touch the stinging skin and scream underwater.

Outside of the illusion, Rotxo suddenly yells so loudly it stops the commotion in the infirmary, making everyone look to him.

He breathes heavily, whimpering a bit with his eyes shut tightly as his shaky hand reaches for his wounded thigh. Aonung, who's placed next to him, watches the boy's chest rise and fall rapidly, then looks at Ronal.

The Tsahík walks back over to them, leaving Kiri to calm Tsireya, who was two seconds from killing their new friend. Aonung steps out of the way as his mother kneels next to the whimpering boy, observing his state. She looks at his creased forehead and tightly shut eyes, then to the shaky hand grasping at his wound.

She takes in a long breath, then turns and looks at Koral, who's hiding behind Lo'ak.

Ronal- He feels it . . . You made him feel . . .

Each of the teens find pure shock on their faces. Kiri lets Tsireya go once she sees the girl is calm, and they each look at Koral as he comes from behind Lo'ak.

Tsireya- How the hell did you do that?

The boy wipes under his canine with his thumb, then holds it out, showing a bit of odd colored liquid. Venom, to be specific. Harmless on the outside, but highly effective once it enters your system.

Ronal- Venom. A Na'vi with venom, and healing qualities.

Tsireya looks at him with concern as he wipes the bit of venom off onto his clothes. This experimented guest of theirs is even stranger than they already thought. She momentarily looks at Rotxo's trembling figure, then back to Koral.

Tsireya- How long will this last?

Koral- No-long. Minutes, only.

She sighs in relief, as does Aonung and Ronal. But Tsireya is quick to glare at the strange boy again.

Tsireya- Do any shit like that again, and I might actually kill you. You understand?

His head lowers, with a short nod.

Tsireya- Get him outta here.

She turns and walks over to Aonung as he looks over Rotxo, rubbing his head to offer the best comfort he can. Kiri decides it's best for all of them to leave, so she guides Tuktirey and Lo'ak out with her and Koral.

Her little sister didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay and see Rotxo get through this, but she knows the Chief's children are protective of him.

Soon, Rotxo's shearing pain and underwater scenery begin to fade. As he opens his eyes, his breath slowly calming and his body in a glaze of sweat, he's in reality again. He sees Aonung and Tsireya looking down at him with worry on their faces.

Rotxo- What the fuck?

He's out of breath, speaking through his gasps. Ronal grabs her materials in a hurry, to stitch his wound back closed now that he's stopped moving. When she presses her hand onto it, he flinches up, looking down at her with wide eyes. Aonung gently pushes him back down.

Aonung- She's just patching you up, don't worry.

Rotxo- Get the fuck off of me.

He pushes Aonung away from him, shocking the heir. Typically Aonung would be Rotxo's source of comfort. He attempts to lean up again, uncomfortable with the feeling of getting stitches. Tsireya reaches out to him, but he's quick to slap her hand away.

Rotxo- Don't touch me!

A sudden pained breath of air escapes him, and he lays back with an arm over his face, his other hand gripping at his thigh again. Aonung and Tsireya merely watch as he pants and flinches, unable to comfort him.

Ronal can tell he's overwhelmed, which is making his body hypersensitive, but she can't leave his wound open simply because it hurts to mess with it. So she continues.

Rotxo hasn't felt pain for years, and in complete honesty, he didn't miss it, at all.

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