The Al'Háven Way : Part 2

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The bright light of day rises above the mountain of Al'Háven; The new village of the Metkayinan Olo'eyktan and his people. This passing week has been filled with storms, but it didn't stop them from building their new homes. Within the meadows, the new village runs along the base of the mountain, beginning near the tunnel that leads to the beach.

Each den is built risen off the ground, since they found that flooding happens easily in this bowl of lush grasses.

Out on the beach, a few storage places are built, for their weapons and other materials used for hunting. Along with some lookout posts built along the shore. This reef isn't sectioned off by barriers as their old home was, so a way to spot incoming danger, before it's right up on the shore, was needed.

This day, Jake promised to allow his children, and his home guest, Koral, to finally explore. They've been helping him build their den all week.

Jake himself has been balancing the task of working on his own home, along with Kalín's. She attempted to do it herself, but it was obvious she wasn't capable. As determined as she was to fend for herself, Jake gave her all the help she needed.

Currently, he's adjusting a hammock he just put up for her; The last piece of the interior that needed to be done.

She stands off to the side with her arms crossed, watching him focus on such a simple task.

Kalí­n- I could have done that part myself.

After he's finished, he steps back next to her and looks around the small place, observing his work.

Jake- Yeah, but I wanted to do it.

Kalí­n- And what a wonderful job you've done.

Jake- Sure is, I'm the man.

She chuckles at his confidence, making him smile a bit, then she turns to face him.

Kalí­n- Really, though, you didn't have to do all this. I'm grateful.

Jake- It's no problem. Anything else you need?

Kalí­n- You may not see it as much, but you've been really great to me this week, there's nothing else I could ask for. So, just, thank you.

Her arms wrap around his torso as she gives him a gentle hug of thanks, catching him a bit off guard. They've never hugged before, and the little contact they'd have would mainly be from him helping her after a clumsy incident. But a sudden warmth spreads through his body, just before a soft fluttering noise escapes his throat, shocking him to the core of his being.

The strange noise makes her pull back, letting go of him, and looking up in confusion.

Kalí­n- What was that?

He's speechless, hardly believing the obvious purr that just came from him.

Even in the evenings spent alone with her, nothing but great conversations as he would work on her den, he ignored this. This certain connection with her, and this attraction he has to her, that he knew wasn't simply because he liked being needed. But he hadn't realized how special this small woman had become to him.

No. He did realize it, he just chose to ignore the feeling.

Yes, his heart belongs to Neytiri, but now only in his memories. In this new life right in front of him, he's now sure, with no longer a doubt, he wants his heart to belong to this woman right here.

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