The Quake : Part 5

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Once on his feet, Aonung wastes no time running back through the village, dodging rouge arrows and miraculously avoiding bullets. He ends up running past Kiri, but stopping and nearly falling over as he realizes who he saw. Just as he turns around, she's snatched back by her hair.

He freezes as an abnormally bulky Na'vi reveals himself. A similar look to Koral; Pale with blue stripes, but with more Metkayinan features. Before he musters up the courage to attack this man that greatly outmatches him, a much smaller stranger comes flying out of nowhere, latching onto the man's head and knocking him down.

But this isn't actually a stranger. Strange looking, sure, but a friend.

As Kiri scoots away from the tackled man, Koral grabs the gun he held and aims it at his neck, firing with a battle cry. Once the pool of blood makes it apparent that the enemy is dead, he drops the gun, snarling at the corpse.

Kiri stands up in pure shock, then Koral lunges at her, and she's suddenly hanging over his shoulder. He jumps on top of a den, making her yelp a bit as he makes his escape with her. Aonung takes a moment to note the amount of strength no one knew their new friend had, but doesn't dwell on it for too long.

He quickly gets back onto his course, heading to the infirmary, and hoping no one got to Rotxo before him. But before he can reach his friend, he runs into another familiar face. Kalí­n. He hasn't spoken to her much, but knows she's a friend of Jake.

He sees her run within her den, hiding quickly, and becoming petrified by everything happening outside. He briefly checks his surroundings before going into her den. She jumps when he shows up, but quickly calms when she recognizes him as one of her own.

He kneels in front of her, holding a hand out.

Aonung- We can't stay here.

She frantically shakes her head, backing further into her corner of large baskets.

Aonung- Kalí­n, please.

Kalí­n- No, I can't. I won't make it out there, just leave me.

Aonung- I'm not leaving you he-

A round of gunshots makes them both duck. Then Aonung turns, but sees a stranger lying dead at the entrance. As he tilts his head, Jake runs in looking around before seeing them in the corner. He takes a quick breath of relief as he comes up to them.

Jake- You guys okay?

Aonung- Yeah.

Jake- We gotta go.

Kalí­n- But I-

He doesn't give her a chance to make excuses. He grabs her hand and practically drags her with him as he exits the den, shielding her from danger. Instead of following them, like he probably should, Aonung runs the opposite way. Heading straight to the infirmary.

Luckily, he manages to avoid any unwanted encounters, trying his best to stay as hidden as he can while making his way there. But when he arrives, the entrance is surrounded by at least six invaders. They're big. Really big.

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