An Array of Feelings : Part 2

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Tonowari understands. Jake was loyal, yes he's recently lost his beloved mate, and is still mourning, but that doesn't mean he's immune to feelings. The problem is, he wants to be immune, because he sees feeling for someone else this soon a disgrace.

Tonowari- You should not be afraid to feel, it's natur-

Jake- I'm not afraid. I just don't want to.

Tonowari- Okay, I understand.

Jake- Is there anyone around that's, I don't know, unattractive?

He almost laughs at the question, but sees it's an earnest one.

Tonowari- That depends on what you're attracted to.

Jake- Warriors. Strong, brilliant, and beautiful.

Tonowari- That describes most Metkayinan women.

Jake- Damn it.

Tonowari- However, there is a particular woman that's never been able to keep up in that department.

Jake- I'll take that one.

Tonowari- Very well.

He adds some pep to his step as he leads Jake through the village, looking for the woman he mentioned. It doesn't take too long, because he soon stops in his tracks, spotting her from afar.

Tonowari- There.

Jake observes, seeing her small figure carrying a few small baskets into a den. He's suddenly pushed forward gently. He looks back at Tonowari, who gestures towards the woman.

Tonowari- Introduce yourself. I'll wait here for you.

With a sigh, he reluctantly makes himself go towards the den she's just outside of. As he approaches closer, she lifts a basket full of materials, but it's too large and heavy for her. She takes a step and stumbles, nearly falling over.

He quickly takes a large step to her and grabs the basket from behind her. Keeping her from falling and dropping it. Her gaze snaps up at him as he looks down at her, standing between him and the basket, her back against him.

He removes the basket from her hands and steps back with it propped on his shoulder. She turns, regaining her distance, and faces him.

Jake- Looks like you need more help than I do.

He finally stops to get a good look at her. She isn't as beefy as most others. She has a more slim yet curvy figure. Her face is small, making her white eyes look larger, almost glowing, and her long, wild hair is pulled back into a bind.

Kalín- Thank you.

She speaks softly, with a small smile, still a bit startled from him appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

Jake-  Mhm. Where does this go?

Kalín- I'll show you. Follow m-

"There she goes acting helpless again" A woman says to her friends as they walk by carrying heavy weapons. They give her an accusing glare as they continue on by. She suddenly frowns and looks up at him.

Kalín- Actually, I'll do it myself.

Jake- (scoffs) Yeah right.

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