Dangerous Attraction : Part 4

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It's a long and difficult trek, but the two finally make it to the small cave Neteyam calls home. They scurry inside, drenched, and breathing heavily.

Neteyam starts a fire while Aonung takes in his surroundings. Small, nearly empty besides the large leaves and a blanket that he assumes is where he sleeps.

After starting the fire, Neteyam turns and faces Aonung with an agitated look. That's when he knows a lecture is coming.

Neteyam- What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you take so long to notice the raging storm? Actually, why did you try to ride in it? I mean seriously, are you that stupid?

He waits for the long pause that tells him it's his turn to speak.

Aonung- (sighs) I . . . haven't really been sleeping.

He looks aside in embarrassment, and Neteyam simply looks at him without words for half a minute, before finally giving a reaction.

Neteyam- Are you fucking kidding me? All that shit because you're sleep deprived?!

He nods without eye contact, partially ashamed of himself for being so irresponsible with his own needs. Neteyam takes a deep breath, calming himself.

Neteyam- Well, it could be worse. Everyone's patience wears thin at some point, especially sweethearts like you.

He looks up at him. For some reason being called a sweetheart startled him. Which is odd, since he's been called one countless times by many others.

Aonung- I'm sorry.

Neteyam- Don't be. Just get some damn sleep. I don't think I can handle you like this . . . Not without a weapon at least.

Aonung chuckles lightly, and turns to face the small home.

Aonung- So, where should I-

Neteyam- On the bed, dumbass.

Aonung- But it's yours.

Neteyam- Three siblings, dolphin, I don't mind sharing.

Aonung- Oh, okay.

He's a bit surprised Neteyam mentioned his siblings so casually. As if he isn't living out here in a cave by himself and away from the village because said siblings shunned him.

Since he started spending time with him, and seeing he isn't as bad as one would assume, Aonung's really been wondering what exactly he did that created the crater between him and his family. But he can never ask, typically bringing them up earns a bad reaction, so he stays away from the topic.

Unfortunately, his end goal is to reunite them. Families should be together, especially when they only have each other. One day he'll have to find answers, and he's hoping he won't have to use force. But because he knows Neteyam at all, he doubts it'll go as smoothly as he wishes.

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