Overload : Part 3

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Rotxo looks over at the other side of the lake, observing the crowd of teens that usually lingers there, then notices a familiar face approaching him. He groans as the boy nears.

Rotxo- Fuck, not you again.

Neteyam chuckles as he plops himself next to Rotxo, making him scoot over a bit with a roll of his eyes.

Rotxo- Why can't everyone just leave me the fuck alone these days? I swear.

Neteyam- 'Cause your mean ass isn't allowed to be alone.

Rotxo- Fuck you. Shouldn't you be training?

Neteyam averts his eyes with a scoff, and Rotxo immediately knows what happened. His face begins to warm; His body's reaction to what he knows is coming, since Neteyam always comes to see him after an argument with Aonung.

Rotxo- (sighs) You guys really need to stop this.

Neteyam- Tell that to him.

Rotxo- I did, but neither of you want to listen to me.

He's told them both separately, many times, to fix what they have, but both of them would rather ignore his words, which he tells them. What they don't know, however, is that in the moment, they choose to ignore him for the same reasons. Which has made the crossfire, that he's become trapped in, much worse.

Neteyam- I can't help if I get a little distracted.

He suddenly finds Neteyam's hand sliding over his own, but he quickly removes it.

Rotxo- No. I told you last time, we aren't doing that shit again.

Neteyam rolls his eyes and scoots closer, placing his hand back where he wants it.

Neteyam- You say that every time, but we still do it anyway.

Rotxo- Neteyam, get the fuck off of me. Why the hell are you so touchy?

Neteyam- 'Cause I can be.

An honest answer. Neteyam has no negative reactions when dealing with Rotxo, or anyone else besides Aonung. They don't make him feel the way the clan's heir does. Rotxo knows this, and strongly wishes it wasn't so, because of the new habit Neteyam has gained when he's rejected by Aonung.

At first, Rotxo was glad to be forming a better relationship with him, but it's taken a turn. Only a few days ago did the boy suddenly kiss him, catching him completely off guard. He felt like Aonung was going to kill him even though he was unaware that it happened.

He isn't supposed to mess with Neteyam, which originally meant for him to not pick fights, but he's sure even though Aonung hadn't thought of it, he isn't supposed to do these things with him either. But he found himself doing it anyway.

Rotxo- Neteyam, seriously.

He starts to push the boy away, glancing around and hoping no one sees them. Neteyam shakes his head, then looks at the water when Tuktirey suddenly resurfaces again.

Tuktirey- Beat that!

Noticing the extra figure, she looks up with a smile and waves at her big brother, but he rolls his eyes in response.

Neteyam- Get lost.

She frowns a bit, her hand lowering back into the water. With a short snarl, Rotxo shoves Neteyam off to the side as he stands up.

Rotxo- Ever think Aonung doesn't wanna fuck you 'cause you're such a bitch to your baby sister?

Neteyam glares up at him, but does begin to consider the thought. Rotxo leaves him then goes up to the small girl as she comes out of the water. She looks up at him and he pats her head.

Rotxo- Ignore him, alright, he's an ass.

She giggles, and he smiles at her, glad her good mood wasn't ruined. Simultaneously, they glance back at Neteyam, seeing him looking a bit down now. Rotxo can't figure him out. It's as if he recognizes when he's wrong, yet still can't seem to stop himself from acting this way.

Tuktirey- I'll leave you to cheer him up.

Rotxo- Cheer him up?

Tuktirey- Well he's always happier after spending time with you, but he doesn't want me around, so I'll leave you guys alone.

She walks off with a wave, and a small smile to reassure Rotxo. She's aware that it's hard for her brother to get past the death of their mother, so she doesn't mind giving him all the time he needs. With a short sigh, Rotxo turns and walks back over to Neteyam. The boy looks up at him wearing a pitiful expression.

He can tell he took what he said to heart. But if that's the case, he wonders why he hasn't made an effort to fix it.

Rotxo- You do her wrong, you know that?

Neteyam's eyes begin to water, making Rotxo rethink as he looks down at the fragile boy. Perhaps he does try, but the only thing he creates from his attempts are his tears. Though, there are other reasons for him to cry in this moment, so there's no guarantee it has anything to do with his sister.

He holds his hand out, and Neteyam takes it, standing slowly and allowing Rotxo to lead him elsewhere. When they reach a small patch of trees, they sit down against one, still hand in hand. Rotxo faces Neteyam, and wipes his tears away with his free hand.

This is exactly why he gives in every time, despite whatever he says. This boy is hurting, and it shows in a terrible way, making him act out and do things he shouldn't. Things like coming to him knowing he doesn't have a drop of feeling for him. This behavior deters most, but draws him in because he recognizes it.

He relates to it.

This particular pain they both have.

Feeling as if their hearts are being stabbed with a million needles, because the ones they desire won't offer their fragile organs of love any protection.

Neteyam leans into his touch, and he pulls him forward, placing the gentlest of kisses on his lips. Their sessions never go further than this. Neteyam's hands often roam, simply enjoying the fact that they can, but he never asks for more than Rotxo's mouth against his for a while.

The marine boy is always reluctant to give him that, for obvious reasons, but ends up doing so anyway, and does so very well in the blue boy's opinion.

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