Brotherhood : Part 3

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However, another hour later, a battle cry wakes him, and the sound of Neteyam destroying a few things startles him out of his hammock. Just as he holds up a large basket while fussing about something, Lo'ak grabs his arm and pulls the basket from his hands.

He immediately goes for something else, so Lo'ak wraps his arm around his neck from behind and pulls one of his arms back to restrain him. Now that he gets a closer look at his face, he can tell Neteyam hasn't actually woken up.

He needs to wake him so he'll quiet down before they wake others around them.

Lo'ak- Neteyam! Neteyam, wake up! It's not real!

He continues to fight against his hold, making them fall back. Lo'ak wraps his legs around his torso, holding him as tightly as he can. But fussing at him doesn't seem to work.

When he'd get too riled up, Jake would soothe him to keep them from getting into a physical fight. He could try it, but, he isn't his father. Their bond is what makes the gesture so effective, but he and Neteyam don't have that. There's a chance he'll just anger him, but he has to take it.

He removes his hand from holding Neteyam's arm back, and gently places it on his head. He tries rubbing his head gently as he's seen his father do, and in just a few minutes, it gives him the exact results he wanted.

Neteyam calms, and stops fighting against him. As he watches his brother catch his breath, finally conscious of himself, he's surprised. Not only by the fact that the gesture worked, but how touching him affectionately rather than with malice makes him feel.

He's always wanted to be able to share affection in this way. He does with Tuktirey, and sometimes Kiri, but he's always longed for his big brother's affection. What he doesn't understand is why he never really received it. Even before everything was destroyed by the sky people, Neteyam kept him and their sisters at a distance. And after he was captured for two weeks, things only worsened.

Lo'ak sighs in relief and releases him. Neteyam turns and looks at him, a bit stunned by the affection.

Lo'ak- Finally, you're awake. What the hell, man?

He thinks for a moment, then stands and walks over to his hammock, lying back down.

Neteyam- It was just a dream.

Lo'ak is glad he reminded himself of that fact, but wishes he would've awakened sooner so he wouldn't have to practically wrestle him while he's so tired.

Without further conversation, Lo'ak climbs back into his own hammock, lying down to sleep for yet another time. Sleep slaps him in the face and he's out before he knows it. He only hopes he'll be able to stay asleep this time.

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