Mutual Attraction : Part 8

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He takes a sharp breath as she calls his name. The others look at him, not sure why he was called out. She points to a spot in front of the others, telling him to sit, so he complies. It's obvious, to Jake, that the boy knows something because of how nervous he's acting.

Ronal- What do you know of this?

She questions him as she works, only glancing away from her patient for a second at a time as she awaits an answer. But he never gives.

Ronal- Lo'ak, this is important.

Lo'ak- I know.

Jake- Then answer her.

His father's stern tone seems to roar in their silence. The others look at him, each wearing the same confused look. Tsireya frowns. Wondering why Lo'ak would be the one to know something about Rotxo that she and her brother don't.

Lo'ak- He . . . (sighs) He can't feel pain.

Tsireya and Aonung exchange a look, surprised by this new fact. Ronal hisses.

Ronal- I knew it . . . I knew it!

She startles them a bit with the raise of her voice. She glances up at Jake, directing her speech at him.

Ronal- He would never come to me for his wounds. Always handling it by himself.

She glances up at him again, whilst tightening the bandages on Rotxo's arm.

Ronal- And when I would see his sloppy work, I could not help but cringe at how painful it would look. Yet he was completely unphased.

She positions herself on the other side of her patient, working on his other arm. She hisses once more.

Ronal- I knew it . . . I knew this!

She repeats herself angrily, frustrated that she could never bring herself to force the boy to talk to her and come clean. Now here he lies, nearly dead, because he pushed himself too far.

She looks to Lo'ak again, as he sits there with his hands clasped together. He feels guilty, telling a secret that wasn't his to tell.

Ronal- How did this happen? Did he tell you?

Lo'ak- He only said he's always been this way.

Ronal- Nonsense. I was treating him since he was a baby, he did not come into this world like that. If he had, his mother would certainly have asked for my help.

Jake- Do his parents know?

Ronal pauses for a moment, realizing she hasn't told him what happened to the boy's parents.

Tuktirey- He doesn't have them anymore.

Both the Tsahík and Jake look at the girl with wide eyes. Tsireya isn't surprised Rotxo told her, they're similar.

Jake- Since when?

Ronal- He was only 6. An Akula attacked them on a family outing. When Tonowari went looking for them, all he found was Rotxo sitting on an Ilu by himself. He was the only survivor.

She tightens the bandages on Rotxo's arm, then proceeds to his legs.

Ronal- He was very different after that. Cruel, hateful, disrespectful, you name it. Thankfully, my son is full of love and patience. It took him almost a year to get through to him.

She goes silent as she focuses on stitching a deep gash. Jake is focused as well, on a theory.

Ronal- (sighs) I don't understand why his body is being affected this way if his mind has recovered.

Jake- Maybe his mind hasn't recovered.

The theory doesn't seem far off, completely accurate even, but to Aonung, who spent so much time fixing the boy, it would mean he failed. Jake notices the lowering look on Aonung's face.

Jake- Don't beat yourself up. You did all you could, but trauma is tricky, believe me.

He momentarily thinks of his oldest son. He struggles to even know where to start with that one.

Jake- It's already hard with the mental issues, but physical ones, we're in for a battle here.

Aonung- I'll do whatever it takes.

He's confident, not caring how long it takes him to do it, but determined to succeed. Lo'ak feels a bit of his own determination. He found out about it, and even helped keep it secret, so he can't just leave it alone now.

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