The Al'Háven Way : Part 9

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On the edge of the plains, Kiri sits hugging her legs with her face hiding behind her arms as she cries silently. As she was headed home, she suddenly bursted into tears from the many overwhelming emotions she attempted to hold in.

Her multicolored friend heard her cries and came back to her, then the two found a quiet place to sit while she tried to calm herself.

Koral is next to her, with his legs folded comfortably as he rubs her back soothingly. A light breeze blows her bangs as she leans her head up, wiping a few tears with a sigh.

Kiri- Sorry, I'm trying to make it stop.

Koral- You-er no bother.

A small smile appears on her face at these words. His speech has gotten better over the past week, but some of his old phrases still stick, which is amusing to her.

Kiri- Thanks.

The breeze blows through her bangs again, and she closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling, then hears a faint voice. Her eyes open and her brows furrow as she focuses her hearing. The voice on the breeze sounds again, in a wordless melody.

Kiri- Do you hear that?

Koral- Hear what?

Kiri- Listen closely, to the breeze.

His ears move into a position to catch more of the wind, and his eyes widen as he hears the voice. He quickly stands up, paying close attention to the direction it's coming from. It isn't carrying on the same breeze as the one coming from over the mountain.

Kiri stands, knowing he's picked up on something.

Kiri- You hear it?

Koral- I do, from there.

He points into a patch of trees growing right at the base of the mountain. She observes from their spot, then hears the voice within the breeze again. Wondering what could be speaking to them, she motions for Koral to follow her as she suddenly breaks into a jog. He quickly runs after her into the trees.

They stop every few moments to hear the direction the melody is coming from, until the sound leads them to the entrance of a cave. Kiri stares wide-eyed at the arch that opens into the mountain itself, then looks to the boy next to her.

He stares into the opening, his ears filling with the familiar sound again. With caution, he moves forward, walking into the cave with Kiri close behind him.

A narrow hall beckons them forward with the soft voice, making them go further into the cave, until the light at the entrance is no longer in sight. Their surroundings become darker, revealing the glowing buds on the vines that run along the walls, leading them to another opening.

As they walk in, a glowing pond is revealed to them, and within it, a small but beautiful hidden spirit tree. Kiri gasps lightly as the faint voice suddenly surrounds them within this hidden cove. With a wide smile, she walks along the edge of the pond, taking in her surroundings. Koral walks around in awe, but doesn't get too close to the water.

Kiri- This voice, it's Eywa. She wanted to show us this place.

She kneels down and lightly runs her hands along the water.

Koral- We must tell Leader.

Kiri- Just a moment.

She slides into the pond, and marvels at the view once her eyes clear underwater. A few small creatures greet her, swimming around her body decorated with glowing lights. With a smile, she swims towards the spirit tree, hearing Eywa's voice louder in the water, drawing her in.

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