Brotherhood : Part 13

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The teens look between each other, growing worried.

Tonowari- Why would they do this? They are Na'vi.

The boy looks at Tonowari, then his face angers.

2G999- Skymen. Waritch.

Jake- Quaritch? He survived?!

He flinches but quickly shakes his head.

2G999- Waritch lies.

He taps his head.

2G999- They-er lies, inside. Can't see truth.

Jake- He must've brainwashed them, got 'em thinking like sky people, and now they think we're the bad guys.

Tonowari- How many are there?

He points to the scar above his hip.

Jake- Number 999 is you, how many more?

2G999- 2 Gen. 500 and 500.

Jake internally praises Eywa for the boy's ability to count.

Jake- 2 generations, and 500 in each?

2G999- (nods)

Jake- Damn, 1,000 of you guys, how'd you all get out?

He places his hand on the floor, patting it, then sliding his other hand under it.

Jake- An underground escape route. Should've known.

Tonowari- Don't worry, we have many strong warriors.

2G999- (chirps)

He holds his arms out to his sides, then above his head, lastly pointing at the chief.

Jake- These guys are big, huh?

2G999- (nods) Blade. Leave.

Jake- He really doesn't want us to fight them.

He grabs onto Jake's arm again, growing teary eyed.

2G999- Dono blade. Dono war. (chirps)

The boy doesn't want another war to happen, he wants to avoid conflict. Jake understands this, as does Tonowari, but fleeing will only delay the inevitable.

Jake places a hand on the boy's shoulder, then helps him stand. He turns to the teens.

Jake- I want you kids to look after him while we handle business, alright.

Neteyam- No, we can't trust him.

Jake- Neteyam.

Neteyam- He's one of them, why has he come to warm us?

Jake- Like most of us, the kid's had enough with war.

His tone is strict, and his temper is short. He ended war, and ended the days of being a war leader. Toruk Makto was not supposed to return.

Jake- Now, you take him and treat him kindly. Give him something to eat and keep him entertained.

Lo'ak- Yes, Sir.

Jake turns to the boy.

Jake- What's your name?

He points to the scar above his hip, and Jake sighs.

Jake- Somebody give him a name too. A decent one.

Lo'ak nods, then beckons the boy over. He looks up at Jake, who tells him to go ahead, so he goes over to the teens cautiously. He walks right up to Aonung, holding onto his arm. They aren't sure why he's clinging to him but they don't question it.

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