Mutual Attraction : Part 6

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But the kiss is broken apart when they're suddenly yanked upwards, large claws holding onto Tsireya's torso. She quickly tightens her grip on Kiri, and both girls look up at the creature that stopped their fall. An Ikran.

From it, Neteyam leans over to see his catch. He was only aiming for Tsireya, but somehow caught both.

The girls look wide eyed as they catch their breaths.

Tsireya- Where the hell did you come from?

Neteyam- We were in those waters.

He points out at the sea, a ways from the cliff. Lo'ak and Aonung's distant figures are on the shore.

Neteyam- Aonung heard a scream and saw you falling, so thank him.

They each nod, feeling dazed. Just a moment ago they were sure their lives would end, and they can't explain how much relief they have.

Neteyam takes them to the shore, where Tsireya gets a tight hug from Aonung, and Lo'ak thoroughly checks Kiri. The two girls laugh lightly, and Neteyam just stands with his arms crossed, leaning against his Ikran.

Aonung- How did you fall?

Kiri- I fell, she jumped.

He looks at his sister in disbelief, making her laugh.

Tsireya- My reputation precedes me.

Kiri- Psh, you knew we were both falling to our deaths.

Lo'ak- I wouldn't even jump off a cliff for her knowing it was futile.

She pouts at him.

Kiri- Skxawng.

Lo'ak- Don't get mad at me, it's justified.

Kiri- Whatever. I don't need you to save me.

She rolls her eyes and stands next to Tsireya, intertwining their hands and giving her a peck on the cheek.

Kiri- I have Tsireya.

Aonung smirks at the pinkish hue that appears on his usually confident sister's face.

Lo'ak- No way, how'd you get someone before me?

Kiri- I'm more likable.

He rolls his eyes and she giggles at her own joke, which holds a bit of truth to it.

Aonung- What gave you the confidence?

Tsireya- Can you believe it's because I had a conversation about it with Tuk?

They laugh, but then both girls gasp and face each other, remembering the situation they left them in.

Tsireya- Tuk!

Kiri- Rotxo!

Aonung- What about them? Did they fall too?

Tsireya quickly shakes her head, and calms her brother and herself.

Tsireya- No, no, he would never let that happen. Knowing him, they probably made it out and are at the village by now.

Neteyam- Then let's go.

They each turn and see him get in place atop his Ikran.

Kiri- Wait a second. Where did you get an Ikran? We rode on Dad's.

Neteyam- He made it out, and tracked us here. I found him while spending my time in the dense forest.

He rubs the side of the creature's neck, proud of its skills. Kiri simply hums in response. She usually never speaks to him unless she has to, and this is the first time he's ever spoken more than just a word or two to her.

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