The Quake : Part 3

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Aonung merely blinks in response, feeling a bit of embarrassment, because the idea of that is somewhat pleasing to him.

Aonung- I think you might be right

Rotxo- I am. That doesn't mean you should actually go do it, though. That's not the kind of relationship you need.

Aonung- But-

Rotxo- I fucking swear-Mind your own business damn it!

Aonung looks at the guard turning his head to face forward yet again.

Aonung- You can leave now, I'll watch him.

The man glances back with a short nod and walks off.

Rotxo- Nosy ass bitch.

Aonung- Ehem.

He draws Rotxo's angry face back to him.

Rotxo- Go ask Neteyam to teach you.

Aonung- I can't ask him that.

Rotxo- Does it make you nervous?

Aonung- Yes.

Rotxo- That's because you like him. So ask him for help.

Aonung- . . . I can't.

Rotxo- Course you can.

Aonung- No, really I can't. I don't think I can touch him.

Rotxo- Ugh, fuck my life.

Rotxo groans, hating the fact that he is Aonung's closest and most trusted friend at the moment.

Rotxo- Look, I am not letting you kiss me.

Aonung- Why not?

Rotxo- 'Cause that shit can become a bad habit.

Aonung- But how else am I supposed to learn?

Rotxo- That's what fuckin' randos are for.

Aonung- You want me to kiss some stranger?

Rotxo- What's wrong with that?

Aonung- I don't want just some stranger.

Rotxo- Well you can't go kissin' Lo'ak again.

He looks at the pitiful expression on Aonung's face, begging him for help. He could kill the younger Sully brother right now, but somehow feels he would regret it after.

Rotxo- Aonung, this is what you need a stranger for, not me.

Aonung- Why?

Rotxo- There are rules against doin' that shit with your friends. It ain't good.

Aonung- Meaning?

Rotxo- Oh for fucks sake, angel. I don't wanna see that side of you.

Seeing such a thing could tear the fabric of their friendship, and recreate it as something else. Something unhealthy. He isn't afraid he'll grow romantic feelings, no, there's no problem there. What he is afraid of is potentially liking the side of Aonung that's being offered. But as much as he could try to explain that, Aonung's lack of knowledge won't let him fully understand the problem.

The heir slouches a bit in defeat.

Aonung- But I don't know what else to do.

Rotxo- Damn it, don't make me feel guilty about this.

Aonung- Sorry-

Rotxo- No, don't apologize either. You're fine, alright?

Aonung- So I can kiss you?

Rotxo- No.

Aonung- Please?

Rotxo looks up at the ceiling, begging Eywa for help.

Rotxo- Ah fuck, I'm gonna murder Lo'ak for this.

He looks back at the heir, looking as innocent as can be, hiding the desire underneath. The last thing he needs is his best friend lusting after him, but who is he to push him away at this point? Aonung claims it's for the sake of learning, an excuse he's familiar with, but he has plenty of restraint and won't let things go too far.

Rotxo- Stop sulking, you fuckin' baby. I'll teach you to kiss better.

Aonung- Really?

His ears perk up as his face lightens into a small smile.

Rotxo- Against my better judgment, yeah.

He slides closer to Rotxo, making him flinch slightly.

Rotxo- But as soon as you improve, this ends. Remember that.

Aonung- Okay.

Rotxo leans back as Aonung's face gets closer to his, making the boy stop and sit back, crossing his arms.

Aonung- Rotxo.

Rotxo- What, this is fuckin' weird.

Aonung- Just close your eyes.

Rotxo- Like that'll help.

He scoffs but closes his eyes anyway, only to have them drawn open by the sound of a loud horn. Both boys jump a bit, and Aonung runs over to the entrance. More horns sound as he looks out in the distance. There are Ikran closing in, and Skimwings as well. Jake and his father are finally returning.

Aonung glances back at Rotxo.

Aonung- I'll be right back. Stay here.

As he takes off, Rotxo rolls his eyes at the fact that he still has to stay put. Though he's glad for the interruption, he wasn't ready for what they almost did. It scared him.

Rough Elegance [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now