Dangerous Attraction: Part 1

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The day is dim, as are most recently as the storming season nears its peak. Today is one of the very few where the clouds dull the skies but refrain from leaking a single droplet of rain. The recent storms have been relatively small, causing no damage or panic, but it's only a fraction of what's to come.

Since the Sully family arrived, life for them and the Metkayina trio has been fast paced, intense, and constantly changing. Recently, though, things seem to have died down, giving the kids time to enjoy some consistency.

This passing week, Jake has gained back the aspects of himself he had lost, nearly completing himself again. There's still just one situation he has yet to confront, but it doesn't seem as though he's willing to.

Their family dynamic has changed again, but slightly. Kiri has been pushed back into her place as their father assumed his authority once again. One of the first things he tasked Kiri with is reconnecting with Neteyam, and bringing him back. But it's easier said than done.

For one, she has no clue where the boy is. And two, she isn't exactly motivated to go looking for him. She spends her "searches" with Tsireya, escaping this new pressure placed on her. The responsibility for wrongly blocking Neteyam out lies on Kiri alone, since she was the one calling the shots.

Tuktirey has been somewhat avoiding Kiri. She knows it was a lot, trying to take over things to bring back the peace they once had, and knows her oldest brother wasn't exactly on board, but she doesn't feel he deserved to be shunned. Not anymore, at least.

She figured it would be a momentary punishment that would help fix his attitude, but she never thought the boy would abandon them. But Kiri knew what she was doing, so her sister holds it against her.

But rather than fix the existing problems, things have come to a standstill. Everyone doing as they please, with who they want, and falling into the routines and habits they live through each day now.

One habit Aonung has picked up is sneaking off at night and accompanying Neteyam as they do whatever exciting thing that pops into the Omatikaya's mind. It's been reducing his rest, so he often finds himself tired during the day but doesn't let it hold him back.

The others suspect nothing, which he's glad for, since they wouldn't approve of him being alone with someone they consider a danger. However, they haven't overlooked his tired eyes.

This morning, they're all spending time together within the reef. Learning Ilu tricks, but mostly playing and enjoying the scenery.

While Tsireya and Kiri dive in relaxation, Rotxo gives Tuktirey a few Ilu lessons, letting her steer, and Aonung lets out a small yawn for the tenth time within five minutes. His neck is healing fine and he no longer feels pain with almost every movement, so he could splash about if he wanted, but he simply doesn't feel like it. He has his fun at night, with Neteyam.

Thinking of the outcast boy makes him wonder what he's up to. Likely sleeping, he assumes. Some part of him wishes he could meet with him during the day, but the others would start questioning where he was. Especially the one whose gaze remains glued to him these days.

He looks to his right as Lo'ak approaches him.

Lo'ak- Why aren't you getting any sleep?

Aonung- I do get sleep.

Lo'ak- Dozing off at lunch for a few minutes doesn't count.

He laughs softly, forming a tired smile.

Aonung- It's enough for me.

Lo'ak- That can't be enough for anyone. What's keeping you up?

Rotxo- Maybe it's the thought of some prying little prick bugging him the next day.

They both turn and see Rotxo ride forward with Tuktirey sitting behind him.

Lo'ak- No one was talking to you, so I guess you're the prick.

Rotxo- I'll fuckin' stab you.

Aonung- Don't start.

Rotxo- You do look tired though. Go take a day off or something.

Aonung- I'm fine, alright. I don't need a day off.

He snaps at them and dives, leaving them in a bit of shock. He's usually so calm about everything, so it really catches Rotxo off guard. But Lo'ak has already seen Aonung lose to his temper. Granted, it was because of the situation, and anyone would've reacted that way, but it still came as a shock.

For the rest of their time together, nobody mentions Aonung's obvious exhaustion, because despite his smile, he isn't in the best mood. Rotxo can't think up what would be bothering him, or keeping him awake at night. Aonung's always been pretty unphased by just about everything, never letting himself lose sleep or be stressed. A constant state of content that most wish they could achieve.

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