Hidden Battles : Part 12

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Lo'ak thinks of a response to this question asked so innocently. Aonung is a reasonable and understanding person, surely they can discuss how he should put a hold on whatever it is they're creating, since he doesn't think either one of them is sure.

Lo'ak- I think . . . We should put a hold on this.

Aonung- On what?

Lo'ak- This. Just for a bit.

Aonung- Oh, uh . . .

Aonung removes his hands, and places them back in the sand.

Aonung- Why?

Lo'ak- I think you should have some fun, ya'know? See new people and shit, gain some experience.

Aonung- Ah.

He holds a hand up to Aonung's cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

Lo'ak- And, once you do, maybe then we can continue sometime.

Aonung- So, we'll just be regular friends again?

Lo'ak- Basically, yeah.

Aonung- Ok then.

Lo'ak- Really?

Aonung- Yeah, I enjoy our friendship, I don't mind.

He hugs him, making Aonung smile softly. Once he pulls back, he stands from his lap.

Lo'ak- I'd say let's swim and have a race, but we should probably get back home. Specifically me, or I'll get into trouble.

Aonung chuckles lightly, finding him being rule-bound somewhat amusing. He stands from his spot, feeling a bit weak in the knees, so he stretches them.

Aonung- You go on back, I need to clean myself off.

Lo'ak- Oh, right. (laughs) Okay, see ya tomorrow.

Aonung- Bright and early for training.

Lo'ak- Yeah, yeah, I know.

As Lo'ak runs off, Aonung heads into the water, swimming around for a good ten minutes before resurfacing. As he walks back onto the beach, tying his hair back up, he begins to think of his previous moments with Lo'ak. He sits against a rock, feeling pleasant because of the recent activity.

Though, he does wonder what exactly made Lo'ak decide to cut things off so early. He was enjoying himself, but now feels a bit of disappointment. Mainly because he would've liked to continue these activities with Lo'ak again, rather than go off to someone else. He didn't even get a chance to learn how to please the boy the way he did him.

His first thoughts on what he was beginning to feel for Lo'ak was romantic, but the more he thinks about it, the more purely physical things go through his head.

It makes him think that maybe this attraction is a different kind from what he assumed. And though the way Lo'ak was acting towards him seemed like romantic attraction, he kissed him, and touched him, but ultimately decided not to keep him.

He wonders if he got the signals wrong. That perhaps what Lo'ak wanted wasn't anything more than this, as he's beginning to think he also wanted, but the Sully boy hardly got anything out of it.

The decision to stop seems to have been decided by his obvious lack of experience, but he wonders why Lo'ak didn't simply offer to teach him rather than tell him to go to someone else. He figured such behavior was looked down upon. But he's new to the game, and perhaps gaining experience comes before getting a true prize.

As he looks up at the sky, his thoughts whirling around in his head, he folds his arms across himself. He's filled with much confusion, but has also found himself feeling aroused again without a clear reason.

This could be a problem.

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