An Array of Feelings : Part 1

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Another morning begins with the bright lights of the sun, rare for the storming season that brings dim cloudy days. A friendly breeze blows through the air, a small reminder of the weather to come. The Sully kids are out early, and together, as they've been for the past few days. Aonung was confident they could train together without conflict, and he was correct.

Meanwhile, Chief Tonowari makes his way to their den to bring Jake out to try and enjoy possibly the last of the beautiful days before the sky goes into a state of eternal rage. He enters the den, seeing Jake's large sleeping figure still in his hammock.

The thought of waking him calmly as he does his children always crosses his mind, before he settles for plucking him in the face until he gets a reaction.

Jake- Fuck.

He swats his hand away, groaning as he wakes. It makes Tonowari chuckle, and Jake stiffly leans up, rubbing his face.

Jake- Can't you do that another way?

Tonowari- I'm simply proving a point.

He glares at him for a moment before childishly rolling his eyes as he stands and stretches. The Chief is referring to something both he and his mate suggested to him.

Jake- I don't need, or want, another woman.

Tonowari- You always misunderstand. I'm not saying to replace your mate.

Jake- Then what the hell are you saying?

Jake is always in a snappy mood these days, and confusing him only makes it worse. Tonowari knows this, so he ignores his language and tone towards him.

As they exit the den for their daily stroll, he explains himself.

Tonowari- There's no doubt I cannot help you tenderly, but a woman can. They aren't just here to be mates, you know. A woman is just the sort of friend you need.

Jake- Okay, I'll hang with Ronal.

He gives a look that almost makes Jake laugh. The Chief clearly doesn't want to share his mate's attention, even with a friend like him.

Jake- Relax, I'm just joking.

Tonowari- I am aware.

Jake- Are you? You looked pretty serious there.

He teases, finding a bit of fun in the reactions he gains. Tonowari shakes his head at Jake's childish behavior, but leaves it be, seeing him act a little more himself.

Tonowari- Resuming what I mentioned before, find a woman to accompany yourself with.

Jake- Look, I have you, I don't need any more friends.

Tonowari- Jake.

He stops in his tracks, disappointment on his face. Jake turns to him, knowing exactly what he'll say.

Jake- I know, I know. I'm being immature.

Tonowari- It won't just be good for you, it'll-

Jake- Be good for the kids and all, I know.

Tonowari- So what's the problem?

Jake- (sighs) . . . I'm a ladies man.

The larger man fails to hold back his laughter, cracking a big smile at the never ending humor of Jake's being. Jake momentarily chuckles, reminding himself of his younger son that often acts so much like him.

Tonowari- Can you take this seriously, for just a moment?

His words are stern, yet remnants of his smile still linger.

Jake- Alright, alright.

They resume their stroll, slowly.

Tonowari- So? What's the real problem?

He hesitates for a moment, never one to feel comfortable voicing his inner thoughts.

Jake- I know this isn't for romantic purposes, but . . . What if I start to feel that way? . . . I'd be betraying Neytiri.

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