Overload : Part 7

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At the home of the Sully family, Lo'ak walks into the den, late for dinner. From his spot on the floor, Jake frowns at him, waiting for an explanation. Everyone else is already seated and eating. On either side of Jake are Tuktirey and Kalín. In front of them are Kiri, Koral, and Neteyam. Since Kalín is already eating her food, he grabs a bowl and serves himself, then sits across from her, next to Neteyam.

Jake- Gonna tell me why you're late?

Kiri- I can tell you why.

Lo'ak- Shut the fuck up, Kiri.

Kiri- (giggles)

Kalín- Were you with that boy from our neighboring den?

She looks at him with a smirk, already knowing the answer to her question. He looks down at his food and focuses on eating.

Kiri- He totally was.

Lo'ak- So what?

Jake- Tell him to get you back here on time or I'm goin' over there to scare the shit out of him.

Lo'ak- Dad, it's not that serious, no need to go pointing your gun at people.

Jake- I'll scare off any boyfriend or girlfriend I need to. For the sake of my own entertainment.

Kalín- (laughs)

Lo'ak- Well no fun for you, we aren't even really together.

Kiri- So you guys are just messing around? That's no better.

Jake- You said you were looking for a real connection these days.

Lo'ak- I am, I just haven't found it yet. Conda's not bad though, so I'm just sticking with him.

Kiri- Sounds like Lo'ak won't be the one to get that den.

Lo'ak- Oh I am so getting that den. No way am I about to have to build one.

Kiri- Yeah right.

Lo'ak- Like you have a better chance. You dumped your girlfriend, so I'm ahead of you now. I'll have a mate before you know it.

Neteyam- Are you saying you wanna mate Conda's egotistical ass?

He momentarily stops to really think about what that would mean. He'd be stuck with him for the rest of his life. Sure he gets along with him, and they have fun, but he isn't sure if Conda is really mate material for him, he just has no better option at the moment.

Neteyam- I'll take that as a no.

They each begin to laugh at him and he rolls his eyes as he continues to eat.

Jake- Hey, you never know, Koral might get a mate before either of you.

The colorful boy's ears perk up at the mention of his name and he finally looks up from his food. Though the fact hasn't been verbally confirmed, Jake does classify Koral as one of his own. Finding him the way he did makes him feel responsible for the boy, and the attachment he receives from him only increases that feeling.

Neteyam- (scoffs) Yeah right. There isn't a being out here that wants him, after what his people did.

Jake- Neteyam.

Neteyam- What? You know I'm right. Plus, there's no telling what kinda kids you'll get outta that.

Kiri- You're such a fuckin' jerk.

Neteyam- Like I give a shit.

Lo'ak- Bro, seriously, you need to stop that.

Neteyam- Stop what? I'm only stating the obvious.

Koral- Your sore heart is what is obvious.

They each look at the boy, who usually never speaks to Neteyam or responds to his hurtful words.

Koral- The den will not be yours either, Neteyam.

Lo'ak- Oh shit.

Kiri- Tell 'em, Koral.

They each begin to laugh because of the comeback that Neteyam clearly wasn't expecting. His mouth sits agape for a moment, a little speechless. This guest of theirs has gotten bolder, and he doesn't like it. So while his family laughs at him, feeling proud of the typically timid boy, he glares.

Suddenly, their father's name is called in panic from outside. They each look towards the entrance as Jake stands and goes over to it, finding Ronal and Tonowari there. He welcomes them in, but they don't bother to get comfortable.

Jake- What is it? What's goin' on?

Ronal- It's Rotxo. The herbs stopped working.

Koral's ears lay back and his eyes widen, fearing for the boy's life.

Tonowari- You must know of something that can help him. One of the Sky Peoples' remedies.

Jake begins to pry his brain, thinking of a solution, but only one comes to mind, one that isn't even guaranteed.

Jake- Since they were working with his venom, there has to be some sort of antibody in the medicine they made from it. An antidote. It would help his body fight against what's happening to him.

He begins to mumble to himself, thinking out loud, which causes everyone to watch him intently.

Jake- But normally venom that kills would've done so already. Maybe it's different because of the Na'vi biology. The air could also be a component . . . Fuck it, let's just be glad it's taking its time. (sighs) Another trip back to the old home it is.

Ronal- A trip?

Jake- I gotta find the antidote, if there is one. No doubt, it's buried somewhere. I'll gather my things, the sooner I go, the better.

Ronal- I wish you luck.

Jake- My luck will rise with numbers. I'll need some help.

Tonowari nods in agreement, and Jake goes to prepare his things while they take their leave. Koral sets his bowl down and stands, which catches Jake's attention and makes him turn to face him as he equips himself.

Koral- Let me come too.

He nods, knowing Koral feels responsible for the situation. After the two are ready, saying their brief goodbyes, they head to the beach. There, a few warriors wait, assigned by the chief because they are a few of the ones who rode their Ikran when they escaped Awa'atlu. With Jake on the back of his own, and Koral riding behind him, he leads his small group back to their old home for a second time, hoping they'll be able to find what they need, and in time.

In the infirmary, Rotxo lies attempting to get some rest, but feeling restless. He can't eat. He can't sleep. His throat hurts. He feels sick, both mentally and physically. Now he's the cause of much worry, something he believes he shouldn't do.

All he's able to do successfully, is dwell on everything wrong.

Their goal was simple; To help Aonung help the Sullys, as he's done others. It was supposed to be just like every other time, but it's been very different. Things were simpler before, when it was just them, but since they got involved with the Sullys, everything recently has been too new, and a little too much. He wonders how they've strayed so far from the usual, right into this overload of things that's driving him crazy.

He hates the many things he's been able to feel, all because a certain person reversed what he worked so hard to achieve. He wishes he was numb again, but knows there's nothing he can do to change it, and no point in trying, because it seems like his days are numbered anyway.

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