Heart & Cure : Part 3

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In a small surge of confidence, and strong want, Neteyam leans forward, and sits up onto his hands and knees as he pulls himself closer to Aonung. The marine boy sits almost petrified as Neteyam places his hands on either side of him and leans so close to his face before stopping. He feels his soft breaths for a moment while staring at his lips, and his own eyes dart around a bit nervously.

If this ends badly, what is he to do? Is there anything he could do? If things go south from here, does that mean there's no chance for them? He can't describe how much the older Sully boy makes him feel. The swirl of thoughts and feelings he has because of him. Will he have had them for nothing?

When he returns from his thought, his gaze landing back onto Neteyam's blue skin, he suddenly takes a sharp breath in as their lips finally meet. With widened eyes, and his ears at their peak, Aonung's heart leaps, but only a second later, he's abruptly pushed away.

He hears Neteyam's short snarl as his back hits the ground. He lies there for a moment, already beginning to feel drunk on the intoxicating feeling of lips on his. Not just any lips, though. Neteyam's. It feels different, in a way he definitely likes, but then he remembers that something went wrong.

With a small frown, he quickly leans himself up again, and watches a frustrated Neteyam hide his face in his hands as he sits in front of him.

Neteyam- I can't. I can't do this.

Aonung- Neteyam-

Neteyam- I can't stop seeing it!

The boy abruptly stands and begins to pace in a bit of anger, taking quick breaths and holding the sides of his head. Aonung gets up from his spot and approaches him, trying to offer comfort.

Aonung- Neteyam, listen to me. It'll be okay.

He reaches for Neteyam's hand to try and stop him from walking around, but the boy turns and shoves him away harshly.

Neteyam- No!

He finally stops to look at Aonung with a pitiful expression. His tail and ears portray dejection, as well as his slumped shoulders, and he shakes his head.

Neteyam- Just forget it . . . You were right, I can't do this.

Aonung- Neteyam, you said you want to be with me. Don't you?

Neteyam- Of course I do! But face it, you don't want this.

Aonung- What?

Aonung steps closer to him, instantly feeling his anger rising because of such an accusation, and Neteyam takes a step back but still speaks boldly.

Neteyam- You don't want me.

Aonung- How could you say that?

Neteyam- Look at me!

The boy screams at him, his eyes beginning to water from overwhelming emotions, but still backs away as Aonung approaches him.

Neteyam- Damaged, unstable, whatever else I am! You don't want that!

Aonung- You can't say that.

He speaks lowly as he continues inching towards Neteyam, trying to close the distance he keeps creating.

Neteyam- For fucks sake, Aonung, I can't even kiss you without seeing shit!

Rough Elegance [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now