Mutual Attraction : Part 4

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Her thoughts are interrupted as the rain starts getting heavier. There's a chance a storm may come in, so some preparations need to be done.

She stands from her spot, Tuktirey mimicking her actions.

Tsireya- Come on.

Tuktirey- Do we have to?

Tsireya- The path down the mountain is too close to the edge to be traveling it in a storm. We have to go now before it gets too dangerous.

Tuktirey- Fine.

As they begin to descend along the path they came, a rumbling noise comes from the distance, but it didn't sound like thunder. The two stop momentarily, but quickly resume and pick up the pace. As the wind picks up, Tsireya holds Tukirey's hand tightly, making sure she doesn't slip.

All seems to be going well, until they come up to a stop in their path that wasn't there before. A large chunk of the trail and part of the rocks and trees around it has fallen, creating a landslide down the mountain. It's too far to jump, and too dangerous to go around.

She hears someone calling, then sees Rotxo and Kiri on the other side. Kiri's softer voice is heard, but her words aren't clear, so Rotxo takes over.

Rotxo- I'm coming over!

Her heart drops. Not because she doesn't think he can maneuver his way across, after all, she could do the same, but the problem is doing it while holding Tuktirey.

He soon gets closer, after making his way across rocks protruding out of the sludge that was once solid land. When he reaches the edge of the path, she pulls him up, and he takes a quick breath.

Rotxo- Alright, we gotta go fast.

He looks down at Tuktirey, whose eyes stare at the wide space in fear.

Rotxo- Hey, you'll be fine. I've got you, just trust me, okay?

She nods, then he lifts her into his arms. She latches onto him tightly, taking a deep breath as they walk towards the edge.

Tsireya- Are you sure you don't want her on your back?

Rotxo- It's safer for her this way. If she slips I can catch her.

With a deep sigh she nods, and he proceeds to climb down, holding onto the rocks he used to get across before. He moves slowly, and carefully, while Tuktirey glances at the sheer drop that's a bit further down, just below the protruding rocks.

Tsireya climbs down and across, following Rotxo's every step and placing her hands only where he placed his.

Kiri's voice is suddenly heard again, then a rumble, followed by some more sliding trees. Tsireya moves off to the side, followed by Rotxo. The dangerous landslide goes past them, but a stray log knocks Rotxo's left hand off its perch and he slips, quick to reposition Tuktirey's limbs in front of her as they slide with his back against the rocks.

She holds her legs to herself tightly with a scream, while his arm keeps her held tightly to his chest. The slide is rough, filled with sharp rocks, but it's brief, because he finds a larger rock that stops their fall. They remain there until the landslide is over.

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