Brotherhood : Part 5

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The next morning, the storm has faded to nothing but a light drizzle. Both boys remain asleep, still tired from their long night.

Kalín makes her way along the woven paths, hearing a few girls make comments about her clinging to the war leader. It's common though, always with someone judging her from the outside, but she tries not to let their words affect her.

She ignores the remarks, and goes up to the Sully den to check on them as Jake asked. She isn't sure what she was expecting to find. Perhaps two sleeping boys in their individual hammocks, but certainly not Neteyam and Lo'ak on the floor cuddled against each other in slumber.

The sight stops her in her tracks, then she notices how messy the place has become over night. She doesn't want to wake them, but she feels Jake and Tuktirey should return to a clean home.

She steps lightly into the den, picking up a few things. She ends up dropping a bowl, and the light thump wakes Lo'ak. He flinches a bit, and tightens his hold on Neteyam, who's unphased. The protective gesture makes her smile.

He looks at her and relaxes as she gives him an apologetic look while picking up the bowl. As she continues to pick up the place, he shifts slightly, observing his still snoozing brother.

Once she's finished cleaning, she speaks softly.

Kalín- Would you like some cooked breakfast?

Lo'ak- Uh, yeah.

Normally, Aonung would retrieve them early, and they'd only have some fruits for breakfast on the go, but he figures he'll probably come a bit later since he's helping his mother with Rotxo.

While Kalín starts preparing food, Jake and Tuktirey return. When Tuktirey sees Kalín, she bounces in greeting her happily, but the woman is quick to shush her kindly, pointing to Neteyam. Needless to say she's confused, since they were fighting when she left.

Jake eyes them in a bit of awe as he walks over to Kalín, starting a low spoken conversation. Tuktirey walks over to the boys curiously, and sits next to Lo'ak. She leans forward to see Neteyam while he's still peacefully asleep.

Tuktirey- How did you do it?

She speaks just above a whisper.

Lo'ak- I'm not really sure I did anything, but we'll see, when he wakes.

She hums in response, still observing the sleeping boy, taking in the peaceful sight before the only face he wears towards her is a scowl.

As the smell of food fills the den, Kiri casually walks in. She rolls her eyes when she sees Kalín in their home chatting it up with their father again. She gets tired of seeing the woman pretend to just be friendly while knowing it's more than that. At least, that's what she thinks.

In reality, Kalín truly is a good and helpful friend, but Kiri just can't see her as anything but an "other woman".

Halting her judgement, however, is the sight of her brothers. Her eyes widen, and she looks at their father for answers. He shrugs, not having a clue what happened. He walks over to her, both watching as Tuktirey touches the ends of Neteyam's braids.

Kiri- Just . . . How?

Jake- I have no idea. Tuk and I left last night while they were fighting. We just got back this morning and they were like this.

Kiri- Does she know?

He sighs at how Kiri refers to the kind woman cooking for them.

Jake- No. Only they know what happened, and Neteyam probably won't tell.

Kiri- But Lo'ak will, right?

Jake- I'm not sure. He kept Rotxo's condition a secret, and I can only assume it's because the boy wanted him to.

Kiri hums in agreement.

Jake- For now, we'll just leave them be, and see how it goes.

She nods, and Kalín begins handing out bowls of food. They each sit, accepting the food gratefully. Minus Kiri, who takes the bowl without a thanks, but Kalín doesn't let it bother her.

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