Heart & Cure : Part 10

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Neteyam takes a few breaths as he observes the face that's begging to him. He levels his breathing, and listens to Aonung do the same, as he waits to get used to the feeling of them connecting. He brings a hand under Aonung's chin, making him look back up at him with lustful eyes.

Neteyam- Do you do that on purpose?

Without expecting an answer, he brings their lips together, moving rhythmically while he begins to relax around Aonung's length. Even though he started out concerned, he now feels calm about what he's doing, and loves the way his marine boy reacts to him.

Once he's completely settled, while still kissing his lover, he's ready to move, so he lifts up off of him some, making Aonung's lips break away from him to take a breath. He smirks, since he purposely gave no warning, thinking his reaction would be like that.

As he lifts further off of him, the grip around his waist tightens, then slowly, he sits back onto him, earning a deeper noise from the marine boy as his head lies on his shoulder. Neteyam kisses his neck, then plays with the boy's bun, gently letting his hair out.

Aonung- Neteyam.

Neteyam- Hmm?

He fully lets out Aonung's curly hair, and plays in it while he breaks from moving. He may seem more composed than his partner, but in truth, if he moved much more it would be a little overstimulating. His body is starved, perhaps too starved to draw this out for as long as he wants to.

Aonung- I won't last long.

A bit of air escapes him in a light chuckle. It appears both of them can already tell they'll reach their limit too soon. He expected as much after doing his number on Aonung, but what he didn't expect was to be so turned on by watching and listening to the boy be so pleasured.

Neteyam- Neither will I.

With both hands, he pulls Aonung's head off his shoulder and holds it in front of him to look at his face.

Neteyam- Make it count.

Neteyam watches the fire erupt in Aonung's eyes before the boy lies down onto his back, with a tight grip on his waist. He's lifted up, pulling the marine length from his warmth, then it returns strongly as Aonung's legs work to collide his groin with Neteyam's hind.

His hands land on Aonung's chest as he suddenly has to hold himself up. The action repeats, making him grunt while their pace steadily increases. And soon, his lover is thrusting endless pleasure into him, causing their overlapping noises to melt together and fill the cave. The feeling is just as intoxicating as Neteyam remembers, but what really makes his body shake is hearing just how much the boy below him is enjoying it.

Like the strength of his pounding, the heir's noises are also endless, and the Omatikayan boy can't get enough of it. In fact, it's exactly what finally sends him over the edge, making him fall to his forearms as he releases between them, and Aonung finishes soon after. The marine boy pierces the skin of his own lip, biting it as he growls through his release.

As the sound emits, Neteyam's ears perk up and, despite coming down from his high, his tail sways excitedly. He's been with many others in this way before, that's no secret, but none have been quite this arousing to him; Not even the one he mated.

He stops his own train of thought, unsure what it is about Aonung that's so different from the rest.

While Aonung calms with slow breaths, he detaches himself gently, then lies next to him, on his side. Pale blue eyes meet his when Aonung turns in his direction, and in response, he leans over to kiss the marine boy, starting a light make out. But as it continues, his partner steadily slows to a stop, and when he pulls away, he realizes the boy has fallen asleep.

He's tired as well, but wants to remain awake to gaze at Aonung's peaceful face for a moment longer. His father wanted him home tonight, but between the boy who's out for the night, and the mess of them both that they'll have to clean once he's awake, that doesn't seem likely. He doesn't mind, though, since he's lying here gently brushing a finger across his soft long eyelashes.

This boy always looks so gentle, especially when sleeping. Now that he thinks of it, even with his great strength, the marine boy was still as docile as he knows him to be on a regular basis. Even in anger, there's still obvious restraint.

That's when it hits him. The reason he finds Aonung so abnormally appealing; For the time Neteyam has known him, he's always been incredibly gentle natured. Even during their recent activity, his sounds, and overall behavior, were incredibly submissive.

A small smirk creeps onto his face. This boy seems to like pleasure so much he completely gives into it, letting it control him. No wonder he seems to find it addictive. Neteyam finally believes he's starting to truly understand. After a short chuckle escapes him, he speaks softly to the snoozing boy.

Neteyam- Now there's a secret. Wonder how the "you're too indecent" Olo'eyktan would feel about that.

He runs his hand through Aonung's hair, then moves to caress the boy's face. A small yawn tells him to turn in, but before doing so he softly kisses his lover's forehead goodnight, then lies his head on his shoulder comfortably. They didn't get to cuddle and converse, since Aonung became silent in the end due to his tired state, but he doesn't mind that.

Despite the trouble they've both caused on their journey to collide each other's hearts, Neteyam can honestly say that he's never been happier to finally be with someone. No longer will he suffer through longing for this boy. Aonung is finally with him, and there isn't a being alive who could change that.

His heart is no longer sore, because the one he desires has now given his fragile organ of love the protection it needs, and he'll never let anyone or anything interfere with what they've created.

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