Til Eywa Do Us Part : Part 5

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At the Sully den, Jake's children are all home to make sure no one else decides to run off to who knows where. He didn't find out about Neteyam going after the missing boys soon enough to track him down and bring him back, but despite his worrying, he knows his oldest son can handle himself well.

As the man paces around the den, his family sits speaking softly to each other.

Tuktirey- Do you think Lo'ak will come back?

Kiri- I don't know, Tuk. I thought Neteyam was the only unpredictable one.

Koral- I still think we should have gone to look for him.

Jake- No!

Their attention snaps to Jake now coming over to them.

Jake- The last thing we needed was more of you going out there chasing uncertainty.

Koral- More numbers would have made better chances.

Jake- Don't argue with me, boy, I'm not in the mood.

Kiri places a hand on Koral's shoulder, and shakes her head as he turns to her. With a sharp breath, he stands down, then quickly turns to the entrance as the loud sounds of an Ikran closes in. The kids exchange a few glances as Jake runs outside.

As Neteyam's Ikran lands in front of the den, his family gathers outside. Jake notes the creature's strange behavior; Shaking its head around and flapping its wings while also being very vocal. With concern written on his face, he holds an arm out in front of the others before they can close in.

Jake- Stay here.

Kalín steps back and holds Tuktirey with her while Jake approaches his oldest son.

Neteyam jumps off of the creature, focused with a scowl on his face, but before he can storm into the den, Jake stands in his way. The second he does, the boy tries to go around him without even looking him in the eye. It takes a moment, and a few tries, but he finally gets Neteyam to stop and face him.

Jake- Hey, chill for a minute.

Neteyam- No time. I need to get back out there, but I need something to eat.

Jake- Back out there? You can't-

Neteyam- Move.

He tries to go around him again, but Jake grabs his arm, firmly holding him in place for just a second before he snatches away from him with a snarl.

Neteyam- What is your problem?

Jake- I'm not the one with a problem. You need to calm your ass down, you aren't going anywhere like that.

Neteyam- Forget it.

Dismissing his former goal, and also his father, he turns and storms back over to his Ikran, climbing on and connecting their queues, then the creature shrieks and shakes its head.

Neteyam- Come on.

He struggles with it, and it shrieks again in response.

Neteyam- What the hell is wrong with you. Let's go already!

With a screech, the Ikran moves around erratically, and throws Neteyam off of its back, disconnecting their bonds. He hits the ground roughly, then curses as it flies off without him, refusing to do as he asks.

Rough Elegance [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now