An Array of Feelings : Part 15

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Aonung chuckles again, thinking of the crazy chase they just had, but it's cut short as he winces from a pain in his neck. Neteyam's face falls, feeling guilty about the injury he left him with. He walks up to Aonung, and suddenly the marine boy's head is being pulled towards Neteyam's neck as he leans his head to the side.

Aonung- W-What's happening?

Neteyam- You can bite me back.

Aonung- What?

Neteyam- Go ahead, I won't be mad.

Aonung- Neteyam-

Neteyam- Just have your payback already.

Aonung- (sighs) Neteyam . . .

He pulls the boy's hand from his head and leans up to face him.

Aonung- I don't want payback.

Neteyam- Who doesn't want payback?

He almost laughs at the honest confusion.

Aonung- Me, okay. I don't want to hurt you.

Neteyam- Why? I tried to kill you.

He rolls his eyes at the dumb question.

Aonung- Because we're friends now, dumbass.

Neteyam- Oh.

Aonung pauses for a moment, just observing the sheer honesty in Neteyam's face. He really didn't understand until he put it simply into words. It makes him wonder what else he's completely unaware of, but decides not to dwell on it tonight, because his neck keeps throbbing, begging for rest.

Aonung- I think we should head back now.

Neteyam- Why?

Aonung- I have to get up early, for one, and two, my neck is killing me.

Neteyam- Okay, I'll give you a ride.

Aonung- What now?

Neteyam calls for his Ikran, and it comes to him shortly after, landing in front of them. After making the bond, he hops onto its back and looks down at Aonung, waiting for him to climb on. He does so, hesitantly.

Once he's on, he instinctively wraps his arms around Neteyam's waist, his hands clasping in the front. The blue boy's ears perk, his tail sways, and his body visibly shivers. It startles Aonung, making him a bit concerned.

Aonung- Are you okay?

Neteyam- Yeah . . .

His answer is quick and airy.

Aonung- Are you sure? What was that?

Neteyam- It's just . . . This feels kinda like a hug.

He turns around with a small smile, but his eyes seem sorrowful.

Neteyam- It just feels nice, that's all.

He faces forward and the Ikran takes off, heading back towards home. Seeing his face made Aonung want to give him an actual hug, but he wasn't sure if that would have a good effect or a bad one. The way he shivered in pure delight, it's as if he's been starved of it and got his first taste in who knows how long.

Everything about him has been strange from the start, but even after finding out part of his problem is trust, the sudden change in behavior still makes no sense. He avoids everyone, so why was he nearby when they were attacked? More so, why save them?

Aonung- I've been wondering something.

Neteyam- You must do that often.

Aonung- How do you figure?

Neteyam- It shows on your face.

Aonung- Oh.

Neteyam- So, what's up?

Aonung- You saved me and Rotxo. Thank you, by the way. But, what were you doing out there?

Neteyam- Wandering. I get bored, alright, and it gets lonely with no one to- . . .

He halts, not bothering to finish his sentence.

Aonung- So, the reason you saved us was because you were bored?

Neteyam- Enough.

His tone is assertive, making Aonung back off. Some of his character has been enlightened to Aonung, but the boy is still as hard to navigate as unfamiliar territory. He assumes Neteyam is fine with him, for now, but the hint of hostility he knows is there makes him feel like he should tread very lightly.

The rest of the ride home is quiet, but surprisingly not uncomfortable or tense. When they land back in the scarce part of the forest, Neteyam seems reluctant to separate from him, but he still won't follow him back to the village. So they separate with goodbyes. Aonung returns to his den, and Neteyam heads back to the small home he created for himself.

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