Overload : Part 2

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Within the haven, Kiri, and Tuktirey are at the lake with Rotxo. Koral stayed back at the den with Kalín, and Tsireya hasn't shown her face around them all week. The marine girl's absence has left Kiri feeling a bit down. She misses her company.

As her little sister practices holding her breath in the water, preferring the lake over the reef, she sits near the edge next to Rotxo. He's been instructed to take things easy yet again, so he isn't allowed to go anywhere by himself. Since he can't have his alone time, he prefers to spend his days with the small girl he enjoys being around, and Kiri is what he considers a tolerable tag-along.

Ronal has been giving him medicine each day to help keep his food in, which has helped so far, but there's no telling for how long it'll be of use. The reason for all these problems is well known, it's a reaction to Koral's venom.

Both the strange boy and Jake had a discussion with Ronal, and Koral told them the Sky People said his venom could heal. But Jake colored a few grey areas with his knowledge, saying they likely mixed the venom with other components and the finished product was a substance that could heal with no side effects. With just his pure venom, Rotxo's lucky there haven't been any effects that could've started to kill him instantly.

That being said, if the Tsahík's medicine hadn't worked, he would've slowly starved, so the woman prays that it continues to help him.

Despite his life being in potential danger because of someone he now hates, Rotxo isn't bothered much by it. There have been many other things happening that affect him more than the thought of his own death this week. Things that weigh more heavily on his mind than he'll ever let on.

As they sit comfortably, watching as Tuktirey practices and occasionally gets distracted, Kiri lets out a sigh for the tenth time within a short period.

Rotxo- I hate to even ask, but your moping is annoying. What is wrong with you?

Kiri- Sorry.

She folds her legs and slouches a bit, playing with a few blades of grass.

Kiri- I just feel bad about breaking things off with Tsireya. I didn't think she would completely disappear like this.

Rotxo- How did you not see that coming?

She looks at him with a frown, since his words aren't comforting in the least. He ignores the displeased face and continues.

Rotxo- You told a clingy girl, that's beyond into you, to go cling to someone else. Just saying "fuck off" would've been nicer at that point.

Kiri- But that was the problem, she was getting too clingy. She acted like me doing something without her for once was unimaginable. Like I'm the one that needed to be stuck to her side all the time.

Rotxo- Are you not?

Kiri- No.

Rotxo- That's not the way it looked to me.

She sits up straight and raises a brow at him, her now restless tail portraying irritation.

Kiri- Then what the hell did it look like?

Rotxo- With all of your family's chaos and shit going on, you ran to her all the time.

Kiri- But that was-

Rotxo- You may not have a reason to run to her now, but getting mad at her, when you're the one that encouraged the behavior, isn't fair. Have you seriously not stopped to think about things from her side of this?

Her face drops into a bit of awe at the words spoken to her, that sound as wise as the will of Eywa. In fact, it's a familiar lesson she was recently shown.

Kiri- Right . . . Seeing things through her eyes. Another perspective.

Rotxo- Exactly.

She smiles at him, feeling a bit surprised.

Kiri- You're pretty good at giving advice.

Rotxo- Let's not make a habit of it.

A giggle escapes her, making a soft smirk appear on his face. She stands from her spot, and looks back towards the village.

Rotxo- Where to?

Kiri- Tsireya is at home, right?

Rotxo- Mhm.

Kiri- Okay, I'll catch you guys later.

She runs off just as her sister resurfaces again with a gasp, drawing Rotxo's attention to her. Tuktirey shakes the loose water from her braids, then smiles widely.

Tuktirey- That was the longest I've done!

Rotxo- I can do it longer.

She blows raspberries at him, making him chuckle, then she dives back under.

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