Overload : Part 5

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With evening approaching, Rotxo swims in the lake, finally having a moment to himself. Not too long ago he and Neteyam went their separate ways, so he came to rinse any trace of the boy off of him, as he does after being with Aonung as well. It keeps trouble from stirring.

As he comes to the water's edge, walking up into the grass, he starts thinking of what he's been doing. He hates feeling guilty, but always does after being with Neteyam. The same applies to when he's with Aonung.

His best friend is afraid to have his crush, so he has him instead. His best friend's crush feels neglected, and comes to him as well. He knows all too well how wrong it is, but still keeps allowing himself to give in while hoping they work things out.

He begins to stroll, but stops in his tracks when he sees another familiar face lingering at the lake with a few others. A good portion of the teens that hang here have gone, but some still remain, including Lo'ak. He sees the thin boy jump into the water, which makes him shake his head in amusement. But his amusement stops once he sees a certain large boy lift Lo'ak up on his shoulder in the water.

Conda carries Lo'ak up onto land, and he starts squirming around and nearly hits the ground, but is saved by Conda's strong arms. The larger figure begins to laugh as he sets Lo'ak down while playfully being hit for carrying him in the first place.

As Lo'ak continues to fuss, Rotxo approaches him, feeling the urge to tease him about it.

Rotxo- Good thing you're light as a feather, baby tail. Are you practicing to fall off your Ilu?

Lo'ak- Fuck you, I'm not light!

He chuckles at his whiny tone, but his fun is interrupted when Conda steps up to him defensively, immediately making his blood boil.

Rotxo- Do you mind? We're talking.

Conda- Then let's talk.

Rotxo- No thanks. I don't talk to rocks, they're too dense to say anything back.

Conda- Not as dense as your interrupting ass.

Lo'ak places a gentle hand on Conda's chest, pushing him back.

Lo'ak- Relax, I keep telling you he's like that with everyone, don't take it personally.

Rotxo smirks at Conda, knowing he just wants Lo'ak to himself.

Rotxo- Yeah, relax. I call everyone a dense ass rock.

Conda- Call me a rock one more time.

Rotxo- What the fuck are you gonna do, pansy?

Conda steps up to Rotxo with his fists tightening, and Rotxo mimics him, but Lo'ak interrupts the quickly escalating moment. He stands between them with a stern expression.

Lo'ak- Cut that shit out, I am not about to be in the middle of a fight again. Rotxo, you obviously hate being around him, so just leave.

Conda- Yeah, get the fuck outta here. Why do you even come here?

Lo'ak- Shut the hell up, Conda.

Lo'ak pushes the large boy in the opposite direction, and glances back at Rotxo before walking over to the others. He's come over to them before, specifically for Lo'ak, but Conda never lets him have even a moment with him. The boy sees him as a threat, and makes sure to hog Lo'ak's attention from him.

He stands there filled with so much rage, one would think he couldn't contain it, but he doesn't let it show. Sure, there's a scowl on his face, and he desperately wants to hit someone, but he knows better than to linger where he isn't wanted.

That's exactly his problem, though. It seems like everyone has found him useful for something, except for this boy. Conda was the one he called dense, but Lo'ak is the one who can't see what's right in front of him. Though, these days, the one that's been right in his sight is the big annoyance that Rotxo wishes he'd let himself really give a beating to.

As Rotxo walks off, noticing the dimming sky, he knows dinner will be served soon, but he can't possibly sit at dinner with them until he lets some of this go. The last thing he wants is to accidentally lash out, and have someone worrying over him.

He heads into the village and straight home. When he enters the den, he sees Ronal already beginning to cook. Tsireya just returned a moment before him and is now relaxing in her hammock while talking to Aonung who's standing next to it.

Ronal glances up at him as he storms right past her and up to Aonung, grabbing the boy's arm and pulling him back towards the entrance. Without a word he drags Aonung off into the ridge of trees behind the village; A frequent spot of theirs.

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