Overload : Part 1

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A cool breeze blows Neteyam's braids as he rides his Ilu through the reef back towards the shore, following Aonung and Lo'ak on theirs. His training resumed at the beginning of this week, and has now caught up to the lessons his siblings are on. He hasn't seen any recent signs of Aonung messing around with anyone, and hasn't smelt him on his brother, so he can only assume he's actually stopped like he said he would. Either that, or the boy is hiding his encounters very well.

As they reach the beach, filled with many working Na'vi, as well as playing ones, Neteyam strolls up into the sand behind his brother, who has still kept a good relationship with Aonung. The marine boy stops and faces him as he stands next to Lo'ak, with the usual smile on his face. The smile he used to like seeing, but now feels annoyed by.

Aonung- You did really well, but that's expected at this point. You're good enough to leave the reef now.

Neteyam- Would've been good enough if you hadn't bailed last week.

Aonung smiles apologetically, making Neteyam roll his eyes.

Lo'ak- Ease up some, bro. He's back now isn't he?

Neteyam- Yeah, but I'm still wondering why.

Aonung- Because I need to train you.

Neteyam- Not like you want to though.

Aonung- Of course I do.

Neteyam- (scoffs) About as much as you want to kiss me right?

Aonung- I think we should move on to the next lesson.

Neteyam- Oh really?

Lo'ak glances between the two with a bit of worry, sensing another argument coming. Something that's happened multiple times this week, despite Aonung remaining so calm and polite no matter how Neteyam acts.

Aonung- Yes, to make the most of the day. Besides, aren't you excited to start hunting with Lo'ak?

He looks at Lo'ak with a smile, and he smiles back at both of them awkwardly. Neteyam's eyelids lower halfway as he gives them both a plain look.

Neteyam- I'd prefer to be excited about something else.

Aonung- Neteyam, that isn't appropriate right now.

Neteyam- Are you saying it was last week?

Aonung- No, I just-

Neteyam- Or are you saying it's only appropriate for you?

Aonung- No, I just want to focus on training. Lo'ak is way ahead of you, you need to catch up so I can take you both hunting with me.

Neteyam- I don't wanna fuckin' hunt with you.

Aonung- You can't hunt with anyone until I'm done training you.

Aonung speaks sternly, but remains calm, unlike the older Sully boy that's now glaring at him.

Neteyam- You could've been done training me, if you weren't so busy training your-

Lo'ak- Okay, okay.

Lo'ak steps in, not wanting things to escalate any further. He places a gentle hand on Neteyam's shoulder and looks up at him with a small smile.

Lo'ak- Come on, bro, I wanna hunt with you. Let's just set this aside for now and focus, yeah?

Lo'ak is suddenly shoved back, falling into the sand and looking up at his angry brother.

Neteyam- I'm sick of being set aside!

Aonung- Neteyam.

Neteyam storms off, gaining many angered looks from the villagers around them, who dislike the way he's been treating their kind heir. A few begin to complain, making Neteyam hiss at them, but Aonung is quick to calm them.

Aonung- It's alright, I'm fine, just let him be.

He lends Lo'ak a hand as he stands up with a frustrated groan.

Lo'ak- This is really starting to piss me off.

Aonung- You know how he is, just let him cool off.

Lo'ak- No! I've been thinking up excuses for both of you, but I can't keep overlooking this.

Aonung- Both of us?

Lo'ak- Yes, both of you. He's only mad because for some reason I don't know, you won't just date him. What the fuck is the problem?!

Aonung glances around at the angered looks pointed their way, because yet another blue boy is fussing at him.

Aonung- I . . . I-

Lo'ak- Know what? Fuck the problem, just fix this shit.

Aonung- I can't.

Lo'ak- Can't what? Date my brother? Rotxo may be an ass but I don't think he's a liar, he said you like Neteyam.

Aonung- Well, he's right, but-

Lo'ak- Then what the hell is wrong with you? You know, as well as I do, that Neteyam is never gonna stop acting like that until you do something about it.

Aonung- What am I supposed to do?

Lo'ak- Date, kiss, fuck, you know the usual.

Aonung- But what if he freaks out, what do you expect me to do about that?

Lo'ak- Deal with it!

Aonung lets those loud words settle in, making him think of what his mother said to him. In relationships, he needs to be prepared to deal with both the good and the bad. He knows that, but he can't stand the thought of being the cause of any pain to Neteyam.

He's always been cautious when it comes to him, and Neteyam has been fine so long as he kept that up. Even after seeing the way he is with Lo'ak and Jake, and hearing of how comfortable he's been, even from Rotxo, he couldn't help but still feel like there's a line he shouldn't cross. Yet recently, he did, and as expected, it didn't go well.

He has no clue why he causes that sort of reaction when others don't, but he doesn't need to know the reason. Being aware of the effect he has on Neteyam is enough to make him rethink ever trying again, no matter how much he wants to.

As he stands with nothing more to say, Lo'ak walks off with a shake of his head, leaving him to find a solution on his own.

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