The Quake : Part 1

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The day is clear, with scarce clouds, allowing the sun to shine for the first time since the storming season rolled in. It's only a day later, the first official day with Kalí­n's new rules for the Sully kids. She's already fed them, and went about her day, with Koral accompanying her, by choice.

They're supposed to focus on bonding, but their morning has started off quietly. Kiri still has the events from last night involving Kalí­n on her mind. She isn't in any mood to speak with anyone, except for her baby sister, and Tsireya.

Lo'ak still has events from last night on his mind as well. Events involving Aonung. He feels like he's done the right thing, and Aonung was on board, but he can't help but feel nervous about seeing him after that.

Neteyam isn't focused on anything specific. Particularly concerned about their father being gone so long, sure, but not enough to fret. He knows the man can handle himself, especially with Tonowari and the warriors with him.

While their sisters head off to the beach with Tsireya, Lo'ak and Neteyam wait within the den. Since Aonung didn't come by with his sister, it's clear they won't be training together with them. But the girls left a little while ago, and Aonung still hasn't shown up.

As Lo'ak stands leaning against the entrance with impatience, Neteyam rests on the floor, sharpening his knife.

Lo'ak- Think he'll show up?

Neteyam tilts his head a bit, but doesn't look away from his task.

Neteyam- Why wouldn't he?

Lo'ak- I don't know.

He turns and looks at his strange acting younger brother.

Neteyam- He's probably paying the asshole a visit.

Lo'ak- Rotxo isn't- . . . Actually yeah, yeah he is. You're probably right.

Neteyam- Mhm . . .

His gaze lowers and lingers on Lo'ak's fidgeting hands.

Neteyam- Unless there's some other reason he wouldn't come. Anything come to mind?

Lo'ak- . . . No. It's probably what you said.

He squints slightly, not missing the pause Lo'ak took before answering him. After putting his knife up, he stands and walks over to the entrance. His brother continues to look into the distance, anticipating Aonung's arrival. Then he notices something he missed.

Two small sores on Lo'ak's shoulder, with some distance between them.

Neteyam- What happened here?

Lo'ak's gaze snaps to his shoulder and he runs a thumb across the marks, making him panic a bit since he forgot they were there.

Lo'ak- Shit.

His face turns skeptical and he steps closer to Lo'ak.

Neteyam- What the hell did you do?

Lo'ak- Uh, I-I didn't-

Neteyam- Did you guys fight?

Lo'ak- No. I mean yeah.

Neteyam- What?

He steps closer, observing the sores trying to gauge what could've caused them, but when he leans in he catches a scent. He sniffs a few times, then leans up to see Lo'ak's fearful eyes.

Neteyam- He bit you. So you did fight.

Lo'ak- Sure. But we resolved it.

Neteyam- What was it about?

Lo'ak- Nothing, damn, leave it be.

Lo'ak turns to look out of the den, but Neteyam steps in front of him, now angered.

Neteyam- Why the hell did you fight?

Lo'ak- Why do you even care? We resolved it.

Neteyam- Answer me.

Lo'ak- No, fuck off.

Neteyam- Answer the damn question, Lo'ak!

He goes silent. He's been avoiding riling Neteyam up, and enjoyed things that way. The last thing he wants to do is fight again, but he isn't sure how Neteyam would react to the truth.

Neteyam- Lo'ak.

He looks up at his older brother and sighs.

Lo'ak- Alright, I'll tell you. Let's get away from the entrance though.

Neteyam calms just a bit as they walk over to Lo'ak's hammock to discuss what happened between him and Aonung.

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