An Array of Feelings : Part 5

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Still taking his slow and gentle time, Aonung watches as everyone has fun, and smiles at the sight. This is what he was aiming for, though he imagined their older brother with them. But after the fight, he seems to have just disappeared, and Aonung isn't in the best condition for going off on his own to look for him.

On the bright side, though, the others have been happy the past few days, so he focuses his attention on them.

As he continues to watch with a smile on his face, someone suddenly strokes the bandage around his neck. He gently turns and sees Lo'ak's relaxed eyes observing him.

Lo'ak- How's your neck feeling?

Aonung- A little stiff, but otherwise fine.

He rides as close as he can, and leans in, then lightly squeezes the side of Aonung's neck, making him wince.

Aonung- Ow, why'd you do that?

Lo'ak- Are you lying to keep me from worrying?

He goes quiet for a moment, just looking at the seriousness in Lo'ak's face. A soft chuckle escapes, thinking himself humorously foolish for being caught.

Aonung- Guilty.

Lo'ak doesn't seem to think it funny. His hand lingers on Aonung's neck, his fingers gently rubbing along the bandages. His brows furrow and for once Aonung sees a clear expression from him. The face of clear, uncovered worry. It's rare.

Lo'ak- If you're hurting, we should head back.

Aonung- It's fine, really.

Lo'ak- You say that now, but-

A sudden nearby splash makes him immediately pull his hand back, and quickly put distance between the two. His expression disappears, hidden under the poker face he always wears.

It leaves Aonung in wonder. He's always internally questioning why he only ever sees a glimpse of Lo'ak's inner layers when others aren't around. But he pushes the question to the back of his mind as Tsireya and Kiri ride up to them, giggling about their race.

Tsireya- And the fastest Ilu rider around is . . .

Kiri- Me!

Tsireya- Psh, you wish! I won that race.

Kiri- Yeah, but I was close.

Tsireya- Really? I couldn't see you.

Kiri playfully shoves the boasting girl, making her laugh once more. Not far from them, Rotxo and Tuktirey resurface, Tuktirey taking a deep breath of air before giggling again. As they ride closer, Aonung begins to think Lo'ak might be right about needing to head back home. After laughing with them and riding for hours, his neck is getting sore from so much movement.

Rotxo- You've got your thinking face on. What's up?

Aonung- It may be time to head back.

Rotxo- Is your neck hurting, you big baby?

Aonung playfully rolls his eyes, but it seems to have pushed one of Lo'ak's buttons.

Lo'ak- It isn't really a laughing matter.

His sudden deep and defensive tone strikes the others as a bit of an overreaction. But they weren't there to see it happen, how Aonung got such an injury. Naturally he feels more strongly about it, but Rotxo doesn't appreciate the tone.

Rotxo- Pull the stick outta your ass, baby tail. He's fine.

Lo'ak- With his neck like that, he's vulnerable out here.

Rotxo- You don't think I know that?! What, are you his fuckin' nanny now?!

Tsireya and Kiri remain silent, unsure how to handle the rising anger of both boys. Kiri is honestly shocked Lo'ak got so upset about harmless teasing when he himself likes to tease and joke all the time.

Aonung- Rotxo, calm down, it's not-

Rotxo- Tell him to calm down! Getting worked up for fuckin' nothing!

Lo'ak- It isn't nothing, it's Aonung!

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