Til Eywa Do Us Part : Part 1

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With the sun blazing down on Al'Háven through scarce clouds, a breeze offers relief from the heat. Many are in the waters, both lake and sea, keeping cool. A few days have passed since Jake returned from the old Omatikayan home, and since that eventful evening, his children have been on their best behavior.

The Olo'eyktan may have let Neteyam's actions slide to prevent causing further trouble, but Jake was given a warning. Though he wouldn't want to, Tonowari would have Neteyam dealt with accordingly if he really became a threat to his people. His close friendship with Jake is the only reason he hasn't done so already.

Jake obviously understands the man's responsibilities to his people as the clan leader, like he once was, so he gave his eldest son a talking to. The two came to an agreement. So long as Neteyam can remain by Aonung's side, he'll try not to cause any problems. Though, before any of the Sullys could really spend time with the royals again, the head family needed to sort through their own problems.

In conclusion, it's been a few days since they've seen each other or spent time together. They've spent most of their time within the den, staying out of trouble until things die down. Currently, Tuktirey is practicing her weaving skills with Kalín, while also trying to teach Jake. Neteyam is napping peacefully in his hammock, and Lo'ak is in his, staring up at the ceiling. The younger Sully boy has been concerningly quiet since their eventful evening.

Outside, Kiri strategically climbs onto the roof of their den, and finds Koral sitting there gazing up at the sky. His knees are propped up in front of him, and his hands are positioned behind him as he leans backward. When she makes her way over, sitting next to him, his concentration breaks as he looks beside himself.

Kiri- Hey, you alright?

Koral- I suppose I am fine, just with worry.

Kiri- What are you worried about?

She pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her arms comfortably over them.

Koral- Do you think Rotxo will forgive me?

Kiri- You saved his life, I'm sure he'll appreciate that.

Koral- I am the reason his life was in danger.

Kiri- It was an accident. You didn't know that would happen, and I'm sure he's aware of that.

Koral- He still seemed very angry about it. I cannot blame him.

Kiri- Hey, he seems angry about everything, don't beat yourself up over it.

Tsireya- Kiri and Koral sitting on a den . . .

Interrupted, the two look down on the ground seeing Tsireya grinning up at them while she sings a rhyme.

Tsireya- Sooner or later they'll be fuckin'.

Kiri- Shut the hell up, Reya, you know it isn't like that.

She aims a meaningless glare down at the girl, but her tone is full of humor.

Tsireya- Then why does cuteness over there look so flustered?

She looks back over at Koral, who averts his gaze, looking the other way, but she can still see the pink hue spreading along his cheeks and ears. She unknowingly stares for a moment, finding the reaction very cute.

Rotxo- Enough with the goo-goo eyes already.

She instantly smiles hearing the familiar annoyed voice, and Koral looks down at the boy with worry.

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