Hidden Battles : Part 6

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All this kind woman has done is try to be good to all of Jake's children. She didn't expect them to particularly like her at first, but figured they would get used to her. She's been as friendly as she can be, to the children, and to Jake who she knew needed it.

Despite Kiri disliking her so rudely and openly, she has never let it get to her, just as she tries to ignore comments from the many stronger women that judge her.

But this time is different.

This time she doesn't feel like brushing it off.

This time, she snaps.

Kalí­n- Yeah? Well neither was Neytiri.

Her sudden change in tone catches Kiri's attention, but before she can comment, she's dragged off of Lo'ak by her queue, making her yell. Lo'ak quickly stands back as Kalín shoves Kiri onto the floor. Kiri looks up at her in pure shock, and the others go speechless.

Kalí­n- What, did you think I didn't know you're adopted? Jake loves telling stories of you kids, but if he had known what you'd turn out to be it makes me wonder if he would've even adopted a little bitch like you.

Kiri's mouth drops agape, not believing the words coming from the sweet women.

Kalí­n- I have tried to be kind to you, and Jake has urged me not to lose my temper with your attitude, but kindness is not what you need. What you need is a good, hard, slap in the face, and I should have let Jake give it to you.

Kiri- I didn't ask you to protect me!

Kalí­n- I wasn't protecting you, I was protecting him! He was angry, and surely would have regretted hitting you later.

Kiri- You aren't his mate, it's not your job to protect him!

She suddenly leans down, pulling Kiri up by her arm, then slaps her across the face.

Kalí­n- It is my job, as his friend!

She backslaps her across the other side.

Kalí­n- And you need to respect that! You ungrateful . . .


Kalí­n- Undisciplined . . .

Another slap.

Kalí­n- Uncaring girl!

She shoves her back down to the floor.

Kalí­n- You aren't the only one that misses your mother!

Kiri- I know that!

Kalí­n- Then why won't you let your father heal?!

Kiri goes silent, tears welling up in her eyes from the painful stinging on her face.

Kalí­n- Telling him he's betraying Neytiri by having me around, when he already feels irrationally ashamed, hurts him.

Kiri blinks, her tears falling down her stinging face as she holds her head low.

Kalí­n- I'm not here to replace your mother, Kiri. I'm here to be a kind friend, and help him.

She takes a breath, and kneels down, feeling calmer, then gently lifts Kiri's head up by her chin to face her.

Kalí­n- Once he feels he's better, he will be done with me, and I will no longer intrude on your family.

She wipes a few tears from her face, but Kiri knows her father, and knows those words aren't true.

Kalí­n- But while I am still here, I want to help not only Jake, but you kids as well. Because you need it. You understand me?

The girl slightly nods.

Kalí­n- I need you to cooperate with me, and your brothers as well.

Kiri glances at Neteyam.

Kiri- But-

Kalí­n- Don't blame him for your problems, and do not ignore his. You all have suffered, but it affects you differently. Learn how to help each other.

Kiri nods, then Kalín looks at Tsireya, still holding Neteyam down, but with a lightened grip.

Kalí­n- Get off of him. Can't you see he's given up?

She frantically releases him and stands off to the side, clasping her hands together. Neteyam slowly leans himself up, and Lo'ak walks over to him.

Kalí­n- I expected better from the Tsahík's daughter. Your mother will hear of this.

Tsireya- But I was just-

Kalí­n- No excuses. Take responsibility for your actions.

Tsireya- . . . Yes ma'am.

Kalín ­stands, helping Kiri up as well. The girl holds her head low, as do the other teens.

Kalí­n- Your patience with each other is strained, I know. Your father has been gone for longer than expected, but you must handle yourselves responsibly without him. Otherwise, his hard work becomes undone. I need you to swear you will do better moving forward, for Jake.

She looks around at them, gaining a short nod as an answer from each of the Sully kids.

Kalí­n- Good. Tsireya, I know you and Kiri feel for each other strongly, but I don't want you in their den.

Tsireya- Seriously?

Kalí­n- Do as you please with her outside, but she is to come home every night. This time together to bond as a family is important. You understand?

Tsireya- (sighs) Yes ma'am.

Kalí­n- Kiri, do you understand? No more ditching.

Kiri- I understand.

Kalí­n- Good. That goes for all of you. I expect you to be here when I come to cook for you each evening.

They each nod once again.

Kalí­n- Tsireya, if you leave now and follow my rules, I will keep this incident to myself.

Tsireya quickly walks out the door, not wanting to get into trouble with her mother. She glances at Koral on her way out, but says nothing.

Kalí­n- If you need a break from your guest, he can stay with me.

Kiri looks back at their quiet guest. She doesn't dislike him, but his presence has complicated things just when she thought times were growing simpler. She looks back at Kalín, who's awaiting her answer.

Kiri- We do.

Koral rubs the side of his arm a bit, feeling like he's angered everyone with his attempt at helping.

Kalí­n- Very well. I'll cook dinner, then Koral and I will be on our way.

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