Part 2: Chapter 62

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Panel 1: We see an arena, with the massive kanji for flame in the middle. Hageshi can be seen sitting with his arms crossed and eyes closed. He opens them up when he sees the fighters and stands up.

Hageshi: So you've all finally arrived. Who among you will be a worthy opponent?

Panel 2: Hageshi spots Scorcher and smirks.

Hageshi: Dante! The only one to ever defeat me in battle. Have you finally come for our long awaited rematch?

Scorcher: Next time brother.  I think someone else has been itching to challenge you.

Panel 3: Scorpion steps up to the arena, his gaze not leaving Hageshi at all. Hageshi grins widely. 

Hageshi: This opponent is a most welcome one!  I sensed your power the moment you arrived here Scorpion.

Scorpion: As did I, Hageshi.  We are both wielders of Hellfire.  It's only natural we'd want to test others abilities. 

Hageshi: Indeed. Were you born with your powers as well?

Scorpion: No. They were given to me through dark means. I viewed them as a curse originally but I've learned to embrace them and use them for a good purpose. 

Hageshi: An honorable choice. Now then, I see you wield weapons.  I have no issue with that. In my case, I only fight using my natural Hellfire abilities that I was born with and my martial arts skill. I stake that on my honor and my family!

Scorpion: I see.

Panel 4: Scorpion walks to where Jade, the twins and his sons are. He removes his swords, their sheathes and his signature spear. He places them all down. Jade takes his hand and squeezes it, giving him a determined look, her green eyes shining. Scorpion gives her the same look and nods before going to face Hageshi. 

Scorpion: Very well then. For this battle, I vow to use only my Hellfire and martial arts skill! I stake that on my honor,  my clan and my family!

Panel 5: Hageshi grins widely. 

Hageshi: Very well! Fight me then, honorable warrior! 

Panel 6: They both take their stances.  Hageshi moves to attack with a right head kick. Scorpion blocks with his arm and goes for a counter kick of his own, which Hageshi evades by leaning back.  Hageshi throws a cross which Scorpion parries. The two of them clash knees. They both separate,  and Scorpion lands the first official hit as he slips a jab and counters with a right uppercut, left  hook, cross, right knee to the body. He lands a flaming head kick and follows up with a flaming left body hook followed by another flaming right head kick.  He then lands a jumping switch knee and blasts his opponent with a Hellfire beam that sends him away.

Panel 7: Scorpion appears in the air and goes for a flaming front flip kick, but Hageshi manages to get out of the way. Scorpion throws a flaming cross but Hageshi slips to his left and counters with a flaming left hook, flaming cross, another left hook and a right body kick. He aims another body kick but Scorpion raises his shin to block it. He then counters with a left uppercut elbow and a right body knee.   Scorpion then lands a right slash elbow before locking Hageshi in the clinch and landing a knee to the head. He breaks away from the clinch and lands a chopping leg kick. 

Panel 8: Hageshi parries a jab and counters with one of his own before hitting a jab, cross, hook, right kick. He then follows this up with a spinning back kick to the body. Scorpion is able to roll under a left hook and counter with a cross, left hook, right body kick.


Panel 1: The two of them clash forearms.

Scorpion: What is your reason for fighting?  Do you merely seek out the strongest and challenge them,  or is there more?

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