Part 2: Chapter 69 (nice)

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Panel 1: The group walks out onto a massive,  open battlefield. Dead bodies are around,  some bearing armor. A massive shape slowly descends down from the sky, revealing itself to be Onaga as the camera slowly pans up. His arms are  crossed as he touches down on the floor. He observes the group standing before him, an arrogant grin slowly spreading across his face as he takes them in.

Onaga: So you've all finally arrived. You defeated my forces. Certainly no easy task. But your success ends here. No matter how much power you've gained,  it pales in comparison to me!

Shao Kahn: You act like you aren't threatened,  yet you went through all of this preparing instead of facing us head on from the beginning. I can sense you're worried Onaga. You know we sealed you away before,  and we'll do it again, this time for good!

Onaga: I grow tired of your insolence Shao! I'll destroy all of you, and you'll be the first to fall!

Shao Kahn: You are pathetic and weak Onaga! You have no hope of matching the mighty Shao Kahn! I'll see to it that I permanently destroy you this time! Your demise will come by my hand!

Panel 2: The two of them immediately engage,  throwing straight hands as they do. The two massive fighters throw precise powerful punches, their repeated clashing sending shockwaves and causing the entire area to shake.

Johnny: Holy shit! How is the place still holding up and not collapsing?

Fang: Onaga cast a powerful protection spell on this entire area. That way we can all cut loose and not hold back.

Damian: He knows the power we possess,  especially Shao Kahn, and he wants to defeat us when we use our full power. 

Scorcher: It's the same in the kingdoms, and I'm sure your home has something similar.  See these punches they're throwing,  without that protection spell, their fists clash even once and we can say goodbye to at least a couple of universes, maybe even reality itself. It would all be destroyed in an instant if their fists clash. But these spells allow someone to use more power without threatening their universe.

Orissa:  Of course we're able to control our strength too, just enough to the point where we don't have to worry about destroying universes and stuff. I'm sure you guys understand what I mean.

Kitana: Indeed we do.

Panel 3: The battle continues.  The punches aren't wild either,  they're very precise and powerful. Each fighter is able to block the others strikes. Shao Kahn is the first to land clean when he ducks under and lands a hard body jab.  He follows with a right hand up top as the Dragon King doubles over in pain. A left hook to the head followed by a big right knee to the head.  Shao Kahn continues his assault,  not letting up on Onaga at all.  He summons his hammer and bonks Onaga in the face before using his shoulder charge on him.

Panel 4: Onaga swings his tail but Shao Kahn is able to catch it. He then proceeds to lift the Dragon King by his tail and repeatedly slam him into the ground a bit before tossing him away. He summons his hammer again and goes to swing it, but Onaga manages to swat him away with his hand. He then grabs Shao Kahn by the head,  throws him into the floor and then stomps on his chest. He then uses his tail to slam onto his grounded opponent.  He uses his tail to wrap around Shao Kahns leg and picks him up like that before hitting him with hand combinations,  ending it off with a knee that sends the king flying away.  Onaga then beckons for anyone else to come and attack him. Alice and Karisma both oblige first.

Onaga: This is wonderful! I get to exterminate both of you annoying sisters at once!

Alice: Your downfall will come by our hand!

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