Part 2: Chapter 36

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Panel 1: Kitanas fans clash with Mileenas sais. The sisters engage in a frantic weapons battle, the clang of metal on metal reverberating throughout the arena. Kitana goes to sweep Mileena's legs but she's able to backflip away. Mileena goes for left head kick but Kitana teleports behind her. Kitana goes for a kick of her own but Mileena does her signature ball roll and moves away from it. She teleports and goes for her dive kick but Kitana counters by blasting her away with a small blue tornado.  Mileena recovers and lands on her feet. She runs forward and clashes with Kitana. Kitana ducks under a jumping kick. Mileena leans back to evade a head kick. She goes for a left hook but Kitana blocks it. They both leap back. Mileena points her sai at Kitana

Mileena: Oh sister! Always the skilled and graceful one! How I look forward to telling my daughter all about her aunt! Sadly you won't be around to meet her!

Kitana: You have a daughter?

Mileena: I do. Tanya and I adopted her. She's the joy of my life and brings me pure happiness!

Kitana: So you understand what motherhood is like now. I see...

Mileena: Don't worry,  I'll make sure you look good when I tell her all about you!

Kitana: Perhaps that won't need to happen si-

Panel 2: Kitana is interrupted as Mileena tosses her sai at her. She dodges it and uses her fans to fly forward and land a flying knee on Mileena. She follows up with a handstand kick that plants Mileena into the ground.  Kitana goes for an ax kick but Mileena teleports away and teleports above Kitana,  landing two teleport kicks from above. She tucks into a ball and does her rolling thunder move,  knocking her into the air. She then connects with a cartwheel kick. Mileena teleports above Kitana again and knocks her to the floor with another kick from above. She goes to stab down at Kitana but she's able to teleport away. Mileena turns around and gets caught by a cross, left hook,  right uppercut and a right knee to the body. Kitana follows up with a kick to the head and then spins forward with two overhead swings. She levitates Mileena in the air with a tornado from her fans.  Kitana teleports above Mileena and knocks her to the ground with a kick. She leaps down and goes to attack but Mileena slashes her thigh with her sai and kicks her away.  She runs forward and they lock weapons.  The sisters share a look

Mileena: All I wanted was to be a family! To be with my sister! But you viewed me as a monster Kitana!

Kitana: I know. I'm sorry Mileena. I was wrong for always shunning you.  I always turned you away without even stopping to consider how you feel. Perhaps we can move forward and actually attempt to be sisters. I understand what it's like to be a wife and mother too. It's changed me for the better sister. Let's stop fighting and work on our relationship. I'd love to introduce you to my family

Panel 3: Mileena stares at Kitana, appearing to consider her offer. She grunts and leaps away from Kitana

Mileena: Liar! You're just saying those things so I can let my guard down and then you can swoop in for the kill!

Kitana: I'm being truthful Mileena.  I've had a lot of time to think things over. I truly do want to try being sisters with you

Mileena: Enough of your blabbering!

Panel 4: Mileena tosses her sai at Kitana which she dodges.  Mileena leaps forward and stabs Kitana in the shoulder with her other sai. Kitana stabs Mileena in the thigh with her closed fan. Mileena grunts and teleports above Kitana, landing three quick dive kicks before landing her Rolling Thunder attack and then planting Kitana into the ground with a handstand kick.  Kitana gets up and Mileena pounces on her, mask removed and biting into her shoulder. Blood spurts out from the bite. Mileena slashes Kitana with her claws,  stabs her in the stomach with her sai, then does a one handed hand stand and kicks Kitana right in the chest.  The kick shatters Kitanas ribcage. Mileena follows up by stabbing Kitana in the shin and then knocking her to the other side with a cartwheel kick.  Mileena goes to stab Kitana again,  but Kitana is able to teleport away.  Mileena turns around and Kitana catches her with a square wave punch, breaking her jaw with the flying cross.  Kitana follows up by slashing Mileena across the chest,  then teleporting behind her and stabbing her in the stomach with a closed fan before slashing her with it as well. She spins Mileena around and drives a kick into her body that breaks her ribs, before grabbing her head and driving a knee into her face that shatters it. Kitana then lands a backflip kick followed up by her planting Mileena into the ground with a handstand kick. 

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