Panel 1:Kitana throws a right kick to Sub-Zero's body, which he easily catches. He throws a cross, Kitana blocks it. She twists her body and lands a left kick to Sub-Zero's head, staggering him a bit. She tries to follow through with a knee, but he freezes her and throws her to the other side, tossing her on the floor and shattering the ice. Sub-Zero attempts to stab down at her with an ice sword, but she rolls to the left. She slashes at his ankles with her fan, but he jumps over it. Kitana rolls backwards and gets up.
Kitana: Impressive skill Kuai
Sub-Zero's: The same can be said for you Kitana. That will be all for today.
Kitana: What do you usually do after training?
Sub-Zero: This is the clans hour to rest, so we normally do whatever we desire. I like to go for a long walk. It helps to clear my head.
Kitana: That is always a fun activity to partake in. Well, enjoy it Kuai. I'll see you in an hour
Panel 2: Kitana turns to walk away
Sub-Zero: Kitana
Panel 3: Kitana turns back to face Sub-Zero, pulling down her mask to reveal her beautiful face
Kitana: Yes?
Sub-Zero: Normally I do it alone but... would you care to join me this time?
Kitana: I'd be honored to join you Kuai.
Sub- Zero: Wonderful. Grab on to me.
Panel 4: Kitana grabs his shoulder and they both turn into mist. Later on they reform as ice sculptures at the bottom of the mountain before the ice shatters, revealing them. They begin walking to the right
Kitana: That was interesting.
Sub-Zero: You get used to it after some time.
Kitana: So do you have a direct path, or do you go wherever your walk takes you?
Sub-Zero: Originally I just went anywhere, but lately I have found a certain path I always go down. You will see why later.
Kitana: Is it okay if I ask you questions as we walk? They may seem a little personal, so I just want to make sure it's okay
Sub-Zero: Of course. You are free to ask me anything, no matter how personal
Kitana: Do you ever... regret what you did as a revenant?
Sub-Zero: Of course I do. But I do not dwell on that. I simply choose to keep moving forward. However, looking back at my past, I was essentially a pawn for others my entire life. The Lin Kuei tried to force me to forget about human emotions and turn me into a ruthless killing machine. I was never allowed to have a proper childhood. Every time there was some semblance of normality in my life, I was always reminded that the Lin Kuei hung over me, and held a grasp on me. They didn't allow friendship or romantic relationships whatsoever. I was also a slave to the blood dagger at one point... then I was forced to become a cyborg, after that... a revenant. These experiences were new, but being a pawn, a mere puppet for someone else's own gain, that feeling is all too familiar.
Kitana: Yet somehow you remain so strong. You have been through so much trauma, a lesser man would have broken. It's admirable that you still keep moving forward despite all of that
Sub-Zero: Thank you Kitana. What about you? How do you feel about your actions during your time as revenant?
Kitana: I hate what I did. I understand that Quan Chi had us all in the palm of his hand, but the pain is still there. Everything I did... I was just a mere pawn. But it was not the first time I was exploited for someone else's gain. For pretty much my entire life, I was also used. I was lied to about who my father was, and I was forced to kill so many people just to appease the bloodthirst of Shao Kahn. I had thought I was pleasing my mother and who I thought was my father. I had thought I was his true daughter and he even faked caring about me, although I am now convinced that it was so I did not question anything and kept blindly following his orders. Then, Shang Tsung used my DNA to create horrific experiments, one of them becoming my 'sister' Mileena. Shao Kahn never allowed me to form any friendships , I was forced to keep my friendship with Jade a secret from him. He never allowed me to try forming any sort of romantic relationship, just like you, I was also forbidden from finding love and even just making friends. He wanted me to be a ruthless, cold hearted killer for him. I was manipulated my entire life and when I rebelled the consequences were far worst. Losing people I cared about, losing my life...
Mortal Kombat: Fire and Ice
Hayran KurguRaiden is in dire need of new protectors for Earthrealm, due to the deaths of Liu Kang and Kung Lao. His search ends when he begins to train once bitter rivals who are now allies. Mortal Kombat and its characters are property of Ed Boon and Nether...