Part 2: Chapter 10

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Panel 1: The kids, all standing in front of the adults. Akira is first to speak

Akira: We want to face the adults, and have them simulate a villain. We want to know what we're up against. Don't hold anything back! 

Shinsuke: We need to get stronger, and we feel that would be a great way to help us achieve that goal. 

Misaki: And don't hold back either! 

Bao: We don't want you to go easy during the training! 

Ishiro: Treat it like a real fight! 

Mariette: Don't be afraid to act evil too

Scorpion: So you want a taste of what we deal with huh?

Sub-Zero: Alright. I'll oblige. 

Liu Kang: But first, a question for the boys. Who do you think are the top three strongest among your group? 

Panel 2: The boys all begin to ponder. 

Ishiro: Well, Shinsuke is definitely number one...

Dmitri: What about Bao? He's pretty strong too

Bao: Me? Really?

Jiang: He has a point Bao. Ice is a very powerful element to wield 

Bao: Well, thanks guys

Zhen: I'd like to add Akira too

Akira: What? I don't even have full control of my fire. You and Jiang do

Jiang: That's true, but you also have your mother's green shadow powers, and in terms of fighting, you've always excelled, even more than Zhen and I. Once you fully learn how to master your fire powers, I know you'll prove you belong in the top three

Akira: Wow... thank you guys...

Ishiro: Yeah it makes sense. I mean you have the son of the thunder god, and the sons of the top two warriors in Earthrealm. 

Liu Kang: Then it is settled. I must say, I agree with the choices as well. 

Amino: Now, what about the girls? What do you all think?

Toriel: Oh that's easy. Yui and Misaki!

Panel 3: The other girls all nod in agreement

Yui: Thanks guys.

Misaki: You're all strong too!

Fujin: She's right. Don't feel discouraged. It's imperative that you all keep training. 

Shinsuke: That gave me another idea. What if for the adults who had two kids, we did tag team matches? Cause there are going to be times where we face more than one opponent and I think it's important we be prepared for that as well. 

Yui: Yeah, that isn't a bad idea at all

Raiden: Agreed. Since you suggested all of these wonderful ideas, I think you and your sister should go first, Shinsuke

Panel 4: Shinsuke and Yui nod,a slightly nervous expression on their faces

Raiden: I know where to go to

Panel 5: A white bunny rabbit hops up to Kung Lao. A ferret rests on Asais shoulder 

Caption: Kung Laos pet rabbit,  Kung Pao, and Asais pet ferret Iggy. 

Aiko: Mom, dad,  can we bring Kung Pao and Iggy?

Asai: Of course!

Kung Lao: Maybe I'll have Kung Pao join us in the training.  He eats a lot he can use some exercise 

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